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📜  多级队列 (MLQ) 调度和循环 (RR) 算法之间的区别

📅  最后修改于: 2021-09-28 09:26:51             🧑  作者: Mango

1. 多级队列调度(MLQ):
只有一个队列并调度所有进程是相当困难的。这是使用多级队列调度的地方。在这种情况下,根据进程的属性(例如系统进程、I/O 进程等)将进程分为不同的类。因此我们得到 n 类进程的“n”个队列。每个队列都有一个优先级,可以使用自己的调度算法,方便同时使用多种调度算法。通常,队列的最高级别具有最高优先级,随着我们移动到较低级别而降低。如果上层具有相对于下层的绝对优先级,则它是不可抢占的,否则,如果时间片在各个队列之间划分,则它本质上是可抢占的。

  • 优点 :
  • 缺点:

2. 循环(RR):
它专为分时系统而设计。进程被放入就绪队列中,在这种情况下它是一个循环队列。在这种情况下,定义了一个称为时间量的小时间单位。该算法从队列中选择第一个进程并在时间片定义的时间内执行它。如果进程的突发时间小于时间片,则 CPU 执行下一个进程,但如果它的突发时间大于时间片,则该过程被中断,并在相同的时间片内执行下一个进程。如果进程被中断,则会发生上下文切换,并将进程放回队列的尾部。它本质上是先发制人的。

该算法主要依赖于时间量程。非常大的时间量使 RR 与 FCFS 相同,而非常小的时间量会导致开销,因为上下文切换将在非常小的间隔后一次又一次地发生。


MLQ 和 Round-Robin (RR) 调度算法的区别:

MLQ Round-Robin (RR)
MLQ executes the process depending upon the priority if the level of queue in which the process resides and further execution is dependent upon the algorithm used in that level. Round-Robin (RR) executes the processes based upon the time quantum defined i.e. each process is executed for a fixed amount of time.
MLQ can be both non preemptive and preemptive depending upon the conditions. Round-Robin (RR) is preemptive in nature.
The average waiting time for given set of processes is dependent upon the tupe of algorithms used in various levels of multi level queue. The average waiting time for given set of processes is quite small and depends on the time quantum.
It is quite complex and difficult to implement. It is quite easy to implement RR.
It leads to the starvation of processes at the lower levels. Each process is executed and every user feels that his work is being done as the CPU gives equal amount of time to each process.
Switching between different levels causes overhead on the processor. In case of RR, if the time quantum is very small then context switch takes place again and again after very short intervals of time which leads to overhead.