📜  Prototype-编号处理

📅  最后修改于: 2020-10-21 08:43:29             🧑  作者: Mango



  • 通过Number#succ的ObjectRange兼容性。
  • 具有Number#times的类似Ruby的数字循环。
  • 简单的实用程序方法,例如Number#toColorPart和Number#toPaddedString。




S.No. Method & Description
1. abs()

Returns the absolute value of the number.

2. ceil()

Returns the smallest integer greater than or equal to the number.

3. floor()

Returns the largest integer less than or equal to the number.

4. round()

Rounds the number to the nearest integer.

5. succ()

Returns the successor of the current Number, as defined by current + 1. Used to make numbers compatible with ObjectRange.

6. times()

Encapsulates a regular [0..n] loop, Ruby-style.

7. toColorPart()

Produces a 2-digit hexadecimal representation of the number (which is therefore assumed to be in the [0..255] range). Useful for composing CSS color strings.

8. toJSON()

Returns a JSON string.

9. toPaddedString()

Converts the number into a string padded with 0s so that the string’s length is at least equal to length.