1. 开放最短路径优先(OSPF):
OSPF 使用链路状态路由算法。使用路由器中可用的链路状态信息,它构建拓扑,其中拓扑确定路由决策的路由表。它支持可变长度子网掩码和无类别域间路由寻址模型。由于它使用 Dijkstra 算法,因此它计算每条路线的最短路径树。 OSPF(开放最短路径优先)的主要优点是它自己处理错误检测,并使用多播寻址在广播域中进行路由。
2. 内部网关路由协议(IGRP):
IGRP 使用距离矢量协议(内部)在系统内交换数据。它支持每个节点的多个指标,包括延迟、负载和带宽,以便比较组合成单个指标的 2 条路由。 IGRP 的端口号是 9,用于通信,默认情况下每 90 秒更新一次路由信息。
1. | OSPF stands For Open Shortest Path First. | IGRP Stands For Interior Gateway Routing protocol. |
2. | OSPF works on Dijkstra Algorithm. | IGRP works on Bellman ford Algorithm. |
3. | It is a link state protocol. | It is a distance vector protocol. |
4. | It is basically use for larger size organization in the network. | It is basically use for medium to larger size organization in the network. |
5. | There is no such restriction on the hop count. | It allow maximum hop count upto 255. |
6. | It is a more intelligent routing protocol than IGRP. | It is not more intelligent routing protocol. |
7. | OSPF routing protocol creates three Table in the router: Neighbor Table, Database Table, Routing Table. |
IGRP routing protocol creates three table In the router : Neighbor Table, Topology Table, Routing Table. |
8. | It’s dministrative distance is 110. | It’s administrative distance is 100. |
9. | It Is a Industry standard routing protocol. | It Is a Cisco standard routing protocol. |
10. | It calculates the metric in terms of bandwidth. | It calculates the metric In terms of bandwidth, load and delay. |