内存是计算机中用于存储应用程序的存储组件。内存芯片被分成相等的部分,称为“CELLS” 。每个 Cell 由称为“ADDRESS”的二进制数唯一标识。例如,内存芯片配置表示为“ 64 K x 8” ,如下图所示。
1. 芯片中的数据空间 = 64K X 8
2. Cell 中的数据空间 = 8 位
3. 芯片中的地址空间 = =16 位
Byte Addressable Memory | Word Addressable Memory |
When the data space in the cell = 8 bits then the corresponding address space is called as Byte Address. | When the data space in the cell = word length of CPU then the corresponding address space is called as Word Address. |
Based on this data storage i.e. Bytewise storage, the memory chip configuration is named as Byte Addressable Memory. | Based on this data storage i.e. Wordwise storage, the memory chip configuration is named as Word Addressable Memory. |
For eg. : 64K X 8 chip has 16 bit Address and cell size = 8 bits (1 Byte) which means that in this chip, data is stored byte by byte. | For eg. : For a 16-bit CPU, 64K X 16 chip has 16 bit Address & cell size = 16 bits (Word Length of CPU) which means that in this chip, data is stored word by word. |
笔记 :
i) 需要注意的最重要的一点是,无论是字节地址还是字地址,地址大小都可以是任意位数(取决于芯片中的单元数),但单元大小因情况而异.
ii) 计算机设计中的默认内存配置是 Byte Addressable 。