📜  桥接器和中继器的区别

📅  最后修改于: 2021-09-28 10:27:30             🧑  作者: Mango

先决条件 – 网络设备
网桥在第二层运行,即 ISO-OSI 模型的数据链路层。它将使用相同协议的两个网络连接在一起。网桥相对容易配置并且专注于 MAC 地址。

中继器是一种电子设备。它是用于扩展局域网的硬件设备。中继器仅在物理层上运行,即 OSI 模型的第一层。它重新生成弱信号并增加网络的范围。通过使用中继器,网络的功能保持不变。交换机可以用作中继器,但集线器不能用作中继器。


S.No. Bridge Repeater
1. Bridge operates at the data link layer of OSI Model. Repeater operates at the physical layer of OSI Model.
2. The complete frames is understand by bridge. Repeater do not understand complete frames.
3. Destination address is used in the bridge to determine in case to forward a frame. Repeater are not able to recognize the destination address.
4. In the network, if collision occurs in the one segment is not forwarded to another segment by bridge. Repeater forward the collision from one segment to another, which causes the same issue to be occured on all other segment in the network.
5. Bridge connects two network in a well organized manner. Repeater expands the limit of the signals in the network.
6. Filtering of the packets in network is achieved by the bridge. Repeater cannot performs packet filtering.
7. Bridges are relatively expensive and used to extend a LAN. Repeater is also used to extend a LAN, but comparably economical than the bridge.