Go 语言在 math/rand 包的帮助下为生成指定类型的随机数提供了内置支持。这个包实现了伪随机数生成器。这些随机数是由一个源生成的,每次程序运行时,这个源都会产生一个确定性的值序列。如果你想为安全敏感的工作随机数,那么使用 crypto/rand 包。
注意:在这个包中,使用了数学区间符号,例如 [0, n)。
Function | Description |
ExpFloat64 | This function returns an exponentially distributed float64 in the range (0, +math.MaxFloat64] with an exponential distribution from the default source. |
Float32 | This function returns, as a float32, a pseudo-random number in [0.0, 1.0) from the default source. |
Float64 | This function returns, as a float64, a pseudo-random number in [0.0, 1.0) from the default source. |
Int | This function returns a non-negative pseudo-random int from the default source. |
Int31 | This function returns a non-negative pseudo-random 31-bit integer as an int32 from the default source. |
Int31n | This function returns, as an int32, a non-negative pseudo-random number in [0, n) from the default source. |
Int63 | This function returns a non-negative pseudo-random 63-bit integer as an int64 from the default source. |
Int63n | This function returns, as an int64, a non-negative pseudo-random number in [0, n) from the default source. |
Intn | This function returns, as an int, a non-negative pseudo-random number in [0, n) from the default source. |
NormFloat64 | This function returns a normally distributed float64 in the range [-math.MaxFloat64, +math.MaxFloat64] with standard normal distribution (mean = 0, stddev = 1) from the default source. |
Perm | This function returns, as a slice of n ints, a pseudo-random permutation of the integers [0, n) from the default source. |
Read | This function generates len(p) random bytes from the default source and writes them into p. |
Seed | This function provided seed value to initialize the default source to a deterministic state and if Seed is not called, the generator behaves as if seeded by Seed(1).. |
Shuffle | This function pseudo-randomizes the order of elements using the default source. |
Uint32 | This function returns a pseudo-random 32-bit value as a uint32 from the default source. |
Uint64 | This function returns a pseudo-random 64-bit value as a uint64 from the default source. |
Method | Description |
func New | This function returns a new Rand that uses random values from src to generate other random values. |
func (*Rand) ExpFloat64 | This method is used to return an exponentially distributed float64 in the range (0, +math.MaxFloat64] with an exponential distribution. |
func (*Rand) Float32 | This method returns, as a float32, a pseudo-random number in [0.0, 1.0). |
func (*Rand) Float64 | This method returns, as a float64, a pseudo-random number in [0.0, 1.0). |
func (*Rand) Int | This method returns a non-negative pseudo-random int. |
func (*Rand) Int31 | This method returns a non-negative pseudo-random 31-bit integer as an int32. |
func (*Rand) Int31n | This method returns, as an int32, a non-negative pseudo-random number in [0, n). |
func (*Rand) Int63 | This method returns a non-negative pseudo-random 63-bit integer as an int64. |
func (*Rand) Int63n | This method returns, as an int64, a non-negative pseudo-random number in [0, n). |
func (*Rand) Intn | This method returns, as an int, a non-negative pseudo-random number in [0, n). |
func (*Rand) NormFloat64 | This method is used to return a normally distributed float64 in the range -math.MaxFloat64 through +math.MaxFloat64 inclusive, with standard normal distribution (mean = 0, stddev = 1). |
func (*Rand) Perm | This method returns, as a slice of n ints, a pseudo-random permutation of the integers [0, n). |
func (*Rand) Read | This method generates len(p) random bytes and writes them into p. |
func (*Rand) Seed | This method provided seed value to initialize the generator to a deterministic state. |
func (*Rand) Shuffle | This method pseudo-randomizes the order of elements. |
func (*Rand) Uint32 | This method returns a pseudo-random 32-bit value as a uint32. |
func (*Rand) Uint64 | This method returns a pseudo-random 64-bit value as a uint64. |
Method | Description |
func NewSource | This function returns a new pseudo-random Source seeded with the given value. |
type Source64 | It is a Source that can also generate uniformly-distributed pseudo-random uint64 values in the range [0, 1<<64) directly. If a Rand r’s underlying Source s implements Source64, then r.Uint64 returns the result of one call to s.Uint64 instead of making two calls to s.Int63. |
类型 Zipf
Method | Description |
func NewZipf | This function returns a Zipf variate generator. |
func (*Zipf) Uint64 | This method returns a value drawn from the Zipf distribution described by the Zipf object. |
示例 1:
// Golang program to illustrate
// how to Get Intn Type Random
// Number
package main
import (
// Main function
func main() {
// Finding random numbers of int type
// Using Intn() function
res_1 := rand.Intn(7)
res_2 := rand.Intn(8)
res_3 := rand.Intn(2)
// Displaying the result
fmt.Println("Random Number 1: ", res_1)
fmt.Println("Random Number 2: ", res_2)
fmt.Println("Random Number 3: ", res_3)
Random Number 1: 6
Random Number 2: 7
Random Number 3: 1
示例 2:
// Golang program to illustrate
// how to get a random number
package main
import (
// Main function
func main() {
// Finding random numbers of int type
// Using Int31() function
res_1 := rand.Int31()
res_2 := rand.Int31()
res_3 := rand.Int31()
// Displaying the result
fmt.Println("Random Number 1: ", res_1)
fmt.Println("Random Number 2: ", res_2)
fmt.Println("Random Number 3: ", res_3)
Random Number 1: 1298498081
Random Number 2: 2019727887
Random Number 3: 1427131847