Golang 是一种静态类型的编译型编程语言,由 Robert Griesemer 先生、Rob Pike 先生和 Ken Thompson 先生在 Google 总部发明。它的开发始于 2007 年,并于 2009 年向公众开放。它是开源的,可供公众免费使用。如果我们查看其代码语法,它与 C 和 C++ 编程语言基本一致。这就是为什么 Golang 具有其他现代编程语言的许多特性,例如方法和运算符重载、指针和继承。它还提供了并发机制,使开发面向多核和网络化的机器级程序变得容易。它是一种解释性和快速执行的语言,具有丰富的健壮库。
PHP是一种服务器脚本语言,专门用于开发网站和基于 Web 的应用程序。它主要由丹麦-加拿大先生于 1994 年开发PHP快速、灵活,是世界上 Web 开发领域使用最多的语言之一。 PHP是一种开源语言,可免费用于商业用途。它用于开发快速静态网站、动态网站和基于 Web 的应用程序。 Tumblr、维基百科、Flickr、WordPress 等顶级公司正在使用PHP 。
Golang 与PHP
Golang |
Golang can be used for quick machine code compilation. It is packed with garbage collection, memory safety, structural typing, and concurrency. It is created by Google. | PHP is a server-based scripting language used for developing robust and responsive web-based applications. |
Golang supports both signed and unsigned integers and Go has separate types for array and map. | PHP only supports signed integers and PHP array is actually an ordered map. |
Golang is a statically typed language i.e. the type of a variable is known at compile time. | PHP is a dynamically typed language which becomes a plus point because you don’t need to write the data type at the time of variable creation, it becomes known to the compiler automatically at the runtime. |
Golang does not have a while loop. Instead, Golang uses a for loop to perform the while loop. | PHP has while loop. |
Golang isn’t an Object-oriented language and doesn’t provide classes to use but we can use it as an object-oriented language to some extent by using structs. Methods can be added to structs. | PHP is a pure Object-oriented language, it has all features of oops like class, object, inheritance, polymorphism, abstraction. |