📜  Golang 中的方法

📅  最后修改于: 2021-10-25 03:02:00             🧑  作者: Mango

Go语言支持方法。 Go 方法类似于 Go函数有一个区别,即该方法包含一个接收器参数。在接收器参数的帮助下,该方法可以访问接收器的属性。在这里,接收者可以是结构体类型或非结构体类型。当您在代码中创建方法时,接收器和接收器类型必须出现在同一个包中。并且您不能创建一个方法,其中接收器类型已经在另一个包中定义,包括内置类型,如 int、 字符串等。如果您尝试这样做,编译器将给出错误。


func(reciver_name Type) method_name(parameter_list)(return_type){
// Code



在 Go 语言中,你可以定义一个接收器是结构体类型的方法。这个接收器可以在方法内部访问,如下例所示:


// Go program to illustrate the
// method with struct type receiver
package main
import "fmt"
// Author structure
type author struct {
    name      string
    branch    string
    particles int
    salary    int
// Method with a receiver
// of author type
func (a author) show() {
    fmt.Println("Author's Name: ", a.name)
    fmt.Println("Branch Name: ", a.branch)
    fmt.Println("Published articles: ", a.particles)
    fmt.Println("Salary: ", a.salary)
// Main function
func main() {
    // Initializing the values
    // of the author structure
    res := author{
        name:      "Sona",
        branch:    "CSE",
        particles: 203,
        salary:    34000,
    // Calling the method


Author's Name:  Sona
Branch Name:  CSE
Published articles:  203
Salary:  34000


在 Go 语言中,只要类型和方法定义存在于同一个包中,您就可以创建具有非结构类型接收器的方法。如果它们出现在不同的包中,如 int、 字符串等,那么编译器会报错,因为它们是在不同的包中定义的。


// Go program to illustrate the method
// with non-struct type receiver
package main
import "fmt"
// Type definition
type data int
// Defining a method with
// non-struct type receiver
func (d1 data) multiply(d2 data) data {
    return d1 * d2
// if you try to run this code,
// then compiler will throw an error
func(d1 int)multiply(d2 int)int{
return d1 * d2
// Main function
func main() {
    value1 := data(23)
    value2 := data(20)
    res := value1.multiply(value2)
    fmt.Println("Final result: ", res)


Final result:  460


在 Go 语言中,你可以创建一个带有指针接收器的方法。在指针接收器的帮助下,如果在方法中所做的更改将反映在调用者中,而值接收器则不可能。


func (p *Type) method_name(...Type) Type {
// Code


// Go program to illustrate pointer receiver
package main
import "fmt"
// Author structure
type author struct {
    name      string
    branch    string
    particles int
// Method with a receiver of author type
func (a *author) show(abranch string) {
    (*a).branch = abranch
// Main function
func main() {
    // Initializing the values
    // of the author structure
    res := author{
        name:   "Sona",
        branch: "CSE",
    fmt.Println("Author's name: ", res.name)
    fmt.Println("Branch Name(Before): ", res.branch)
    // Creating a pointer
    p := &res
    // Calling the show method
    fmt.Println("Author's name: ", res.name)
    fmt.Println("Branch Name(After): ", res.branch)


Author's name:  Sona
Branch Name(Before):  CSE
Author's name:  Sona
Branch Name(After):  ECE


正如我们所知,在 Go 中,当一个函数有一个值参数时,它只会接受参数的值,如果你试图传递一个指向值函数的指针,那么它不会接受,反之亦然。但是 Go 方法可以接受值和指针,无论它是用指针还是值接收器定义的。如下例所示:


// Go program to illustrate how the
// method can accept pointer and value
package main
import "fmt"
// Author structure
type author struct {
    name   string
    branch string
// Method with a pointer
// receiver of author type
func (a *author) show_1(abranch string) {
    (*a).branch = abranch
// Method with a value
// receiver of author type
func (a author) show_2() {
    a.name = "Gourav"
    fmt.Println("Author's name(Before) : ", a.name)
// Main function
func main() {
    // Initializing the values
    // of the author structure
    res := author{
        name:   "Sona",
        branch: "CSE",
    fmt.Println("Branch Name(Before): ", res.branch)
    // Calling the show_1 method
    // (pointer method) with value
    fmt.Println("Branch Name(After): ", res.branch)
    // Calling the show_2 method
    // (value method) with a pointer
    fmt.Println("Author's name(After): ", res.name)


Branch Name(Before):  CSE
Branch Name(After):  ECE
Author's name(Before) :  Gourav
Author's name(After):  Sona


Method Function
It contain receiver. It does not contain receiver.
It can accept both pointer and value. It cannot accept both pointer and value.
Methods of the same name but different types can be defined in the program. Functions of the same name but different type are not allowed to define in the program.