📜  在 Golang 中恢复

📅  最后修改于: 2021-10-25 02:10:58             🧑  作者: Mango

就像Java、C# 等语言中异常中的 try/catch 块在 Go 语言中类似用于捕获异常一样,recover函数用于处理恐慌。它是一个内置函数,定义在 Go 语言的 builtin 包下。这个函数的主要用途是重新获得对恐慌 Goroutine 的控制。或者换句话说,它处理 Goroutine 的恐慌行为。


func recover() interface{}


  • 恢复函数总是在延迟函数内部函数,而不是在普通函数。如果调用恢复正常函数的延迟函数内部或外部函数,那么恢复函数不会停止序列恐慌中所示例1所以,一直呼吁恢复延迟函数内部函数,因为延迟函数不停止执行如果程序崩溃,那么recover函数通过简单地恢复goroutine的正常执行并检索传递给panic调用的错误值来停止panicking序列,如示例2所示。
  • 仅当您调用发生恐慌的同一个 goroutine 时,恢复函数才起作用。如果您在不同的 goroutine 中调用它,那么它将无法如示例 3 所示那样工作。
  • 如果要查找堆栈跟踪,请使用 Debug 包下定义的 PrintStack函数。

示例 1:

// Go program which illustrates
// the concept of recover
package main
import "fmt"
// This function is created to handle
// the panic occurs in entry function
// but it does not handle the panic 
// occurred in the entry function
// because it called in the normal
// function
func handlepanic() {
    if a := recover(); a != nil {
        fmt.Println("RECOVER", a)
// Function
func entry(lang *string, aname *string) {
    // Normal function
    // When the value of lang
    // is nil it will panic
    if lang == nil {
        panic("Error: Language cannot be nil")
    // When the value of aname
    // is nil it will panic
    if aname == nil {
        panic("Error: Author name cannot be nil")
    fmt.Printf("Author Language: %s \n Author Name: %s\n", *lang, *aname)
    fmt.Printf("Return successfully from the entry function")
// Main function
func main() {
    A_lang := "GO Language"
    entry(&A_lang, nil)
    fmt.Printf("Return successfully from the main function")


panic: Error: Author name cannot be nil

goroutine 1 [running]:
main.entry(0x41a788, 0x0)
    /tmp/sandbox777592252/prog.go:35 +0x180
    /tmp/sandbox777592252/prog.go:46 +0x40

示例 2:

// Go program which illustrates
// the concept of recover
package main
import (
// This function handles the panic
// occur in entry function
// with the help of the recover function
func handlepanic() {
    if a := recover(); a != nil {
        fmt.Println("RECOVER", a)
// Function
func entry(lang *string, aname *string) {
    // Deferred function
    defer handlepanic()
    // When the value of lang
    // is nil it will panic
    if lang == nil {
        panic("Error: Language cannot be nil")
    // When the value of aname
    // is nil it will panic
    if aname == nil {
        panic("Error: Author name cannot be nil")
    fmt.Printf("Author Language: %s \n Author Name: %s\n", *lang, *aname)
    fmt.Printf("Return successfully from the entry function")
// Main function
func main() {
    A_lang := "GO Language"
    entry(&A_lang, nil)
    fmt.Printf("Return successfully from the main function")


RECOVER Error: Author name cannot be nil
Return successfully from the main function

示例 3:

// Go program which illustrates
// recover in a goroutine
package main
import (
// For recovery
func handlepanic() {
    if a := recover(); a != nil {
        fmt.Println("RECOVER", a)
/* Here, this panic is not 
   handled by the recover 
   function because of the 
   recover function is not 
   called in the same 
   goroutine in which the 
   panic occurs */
// Function 1
func myfun1() {
    defer handlepanic()
    fmt.Println("Welcome to Function 1")
    go myfun2()
    time.Sleep(10 * time.Second)
// Function 2
func myfun2() {
    fmt.Println("Welcome to Function 2")
// Main function
func main() {
    fmt.Println("Return successfully from the main function")


Welcome to Function 1
Welcome to Function 2
panic: Panicked!!

goroutine 6 [running]:
    /tmp/sandbox157568972/prog.go:31 +0xa0
created by main.myfun1
    /tmp/sandbox157568972/prog.go:24 +0xc0