Golang 中的结构体或结构体是一种用户定义的数据类型,它允许组合不同类型的数据类型并充当记录。
Golang 中的结构变量可以使用赋值语句 (=)轻松复制到另一个变量。对第二个结构所做的任何更改都不会反映回第一个结构。
示例 1:
// Golang program to illustrate copying
// a structure to another variable
package main
import (
// declaring a structure
type Student struct{
// declaring variables
name string
marks int64
stdid int64
// main function
func main() {
// creating the instance of the
// Student struct type
std1 := Student{"Vani", 98, 20024}
// prints the student struct
// copying the struct student
// to another variable by
// using the assignment operator
std2 := std1
// printing copied struct
// this will have same values
// as struct std1
// changing values of struct
// std2 after copying
std2.name = "Abc"
std2.stdid = 20025
// printing updated struct
{Vani 98 20024}
{Vani 98 20024}
{Abc 98 20025}
在指向结构体的指针引用的情况下,原始结构体的底层内存位置和指向结构体的指针将是相同的。对第二个结构所做的任何更改也将反映在第一个结构中。指向结构的指针是通过使用与号运算符(&) 实现的。它在堆上分配并且其地址是共享的。
示例 2:
// Golang program to illustrate the
// concept of a pointer to a struct
package main
import (
// declaring a structure
type Person struct{
// declaring variables
name string
address string
id int64
// main function
func main() {
// creating the instance of the
// Person struct type
p1 := Person{"Vani", "Delhi", 20024}
// prints the student struct
// referencing the struct person
// to another variable by
// using the ampersand operator
// Here, it is the pointer to the struct
p2 := &p1
// printing pointer to the struct
// changing values of struct p2
p2.name = "Abc"
p2.address = "Hyderabad"
// printing updated struct
// struct p1 values will
// also change since values
// of p2 were also changed
{Vani Delhi 20024}
&{Vani Delhi 20024}
&{Abc Hyderabad 20024}
{Abc Hyderabad 20024}