Easticsearch:它是一个“开源、分布式、RESTful 搜索引擎”。它是一种分析引擎,能够近乎实时地存储和搜索大量数据。 Elasticsearch、Kibana、Beats 和 Logstash 是 Elastic Stack(有时称为 ELK Stack)。
下表列出了 Hadoop 和 Elasticsearch 之间的差异:
S.No. | Elasticsearch | Hadoop |
1. | It is an Open Source, Distributed, RESTful Search Engine | It is an Open-source software for reliable, scalable, distributed computing |
2. | Primarily used as a search engine | Used to analyze large volume of data |
3. | Based on REST architecture ad provides API endpoints to perform CRUD operations over HTTP. | Follows master-slave architecture for storage and processing of data using HDFS and MapReduce programming. |
4. | Provides full query DSL based on JSON | Uses MapReduce programming model for processing of huge data clusters. |
5. | Full text search engine but can also be used as analytics framework. | Used as a tool to store data and run applications on clusters. |
6. | Supported in all Operating Systems with Java VM | Supported in Linux, Unix and Windows. |
7. | SQL-Like query Language | Uses Hive for query processing |
8. | Analytics on top of your search. | Rich APIs for data transformation and preparing data in distributed environment without memory issues. |