颗粒的尺寸通常大于形成溶液的颗粒,通常可达一微米。悬浮液中分散颗粒的典型直径通常是溶液直径的 1000 倍。由于溶解的颗粒尺寸较大,因此它们不会通过滤纸。因此,过滤的物理分离技术可用于分离悬浮颗粒。
- 在水中摇动的油:由于形成悬浮液的物质的性质不同,在水中摇动的油会形成悬浮液。水分子本质上是极性的,这使得它们强烈地相互吸引。这与油颗粒的性质相反,油颗粒是非极性或疏水的,排斥水分子。水分子表现出“粘性”,这可以在两个水滴相互移动时观察到。当不受干扰时,悬浮液会分离出两种类型的颗粒。
- 浑水
- 镁乳
- 悬浮在水中的沙粒
- 空气中的灰尘:这是一个固体气体悬浮液的例子。灰尘颗粒包含不同种类的颗粒,如花粉粒或头发。这些颗粒重量轻,因此被风和通风系统提升。颗粒分散在空气中,从而形成悬浮液。这些粒子最终会沉降到地球底部。
- 面粉加水
- 用于粉刷的熟石灰
- 染料悬浮在松节油中的油漆。
- 空气中的烟尘:烟尘由煤炭和其他富碳能源燃烧过程中排放的碳颗粒组成。也称为黑烟,烟灰在空气中形成固体气体悬浮液。这在发电厂和车辆中都是可见的。烟囱变黑是烟灰沉淀的结果。
- 异质混合物由两种或多种物质组成。
- 由于粒子较大,因此显示廷德尔效应。
- 暂停不稳定。这是因为沉淀到溶液底部的颗粒有一段时间没有受到影响。
- 悬浮液中的颗粒可以通过物理方法分离,如过滤过程。
- 在悬浮液的情况下,溶质颗粒不溶于溶剂。它们在整个悬浮过程中保持大量悬浮。
- 悬架本质上是不透明的。
- 分散的颗粒很容易被肉眼看到。粒径大于1纳米。
- 当粒子沉降时,它不会在它们身上散射光。
Property | Suspension | Colloids | Solution |
Particle size | Homogeneous | Homogeneous | Homogeneous |
Homogeneous/ Heterogeneous Tyndall Effect Brownian | Shows | Shows | Does not Show |
Movement | May or may not | Shows | Mostly do not show |
Appearance | Opaque | Transparent | Transparent |
Settling of particles. | Settles on their own | Settle on centrifugation | Do not settle |
Separation by physical methods | Yes | No | No |
Visibility | Visible with naked eyes | Not visible with the naked eye. | Visible with the naked eye. |
Stability | Unstable | Stable | Stable |
Examples | Flour and water mixture | Smoke, Cheese | Sugar and water solution |
- 将手电筒光束照射到一杯牛奶中
- 水滴会散射光线。
- 雾中的大灯可见光束。
- 大灯光束可见。
问题 1. 悬浮粒子在不受干扰一段时间后会沉淀下来。为什么?
Suspensions are heterogeneous systems. The particles of a suspension are very large in size, and are bigger than 100 nm to 200 nm across. These particles are easily visible through the naked eye and have a tendency to settle down under the influence of gravity. Some of the examples of suspensions are sodium chloride in benzene or turmeric in water.
问题 2. 当阳光穿过茂密森林的树冠时,为什么会出现廷德尔效应?
Mist is a form of aerosol, which is a suspension of liquid droplets contained in the gas. The tiny droplets of water form the dispersed colloidal particles in the air and therefore, result in the scattering of the light falling on them. Therefore, displaying tyndall effect.
问题 3. 为什么在油中摇晃汞被视为悬浮液?
Mercury is a liquid element under standard conditions of temperature and pressure. It is a metallic element that can be mixed with oil in order to create a suspension. The particles will not dissolve, and will eventually separate out.
问题 4. 定义气溶胶。
A suspension that includes liquid droplets or fine solid particles as the solute dissolved in gas as the solvent is called an aerosol. Examples: fog, mist, or dust.
问题 5.为什么油漆工倾向于在粉刷墙壁之前混合油漆?
Generally, the size of the particles is greater than 5 x 10-7 m, because they are generally visible with the naked eye. Paint is an example of a suspension.
问题 6. 您如何查看和判断混合物是否为悬浮液?
Suspensions exhibit some physical properties:
- Non-uniform in color
- Looks cloudy or murky
- Particles are settled to the bottom
问题7. 解释悬架的组成部分。
Suspensions generally contain two components, the dispersed material, and the dispersion medium. The dispersed material is the solid particle. However, sometimes, it may be in another phase too. The dispersion medium is what the dispersed materials are distributed in, typically equivalent to a solvent.