📜  js cookie (1)

📅  最后修改于: 2023-12-03 15:16:58.503000             🧑  作者: Mango

JS Cookie


JS Cookie is a simple and lightweight JavaScript library that provides a convenient way to work with cookies in web applications. Cookies are small pieces of data stored in a user's browser and are commonly used to store user preferences, session information, and other data.

Key Features
  1. Easy to Use: JS Cookie makes it easy to set, get, and delete cookies with a simple and intuitive API.
  2. Data Storage: Cookies allow you to store various types of data such as strings, numbers, and even objects.
  3. Cross-browser Compatibility: JS Cookie ensures consistent behavior across different web browsers, making it a reliable choice for cookie management.
  4. Expiration and Persistence: Cookies can be set with an expiration date, after which they will be automatically deleted. You can also choose whether to persist the cookie across browser sessions.
  5. Secure: JS Cookie provides options to set cookies with secure and HTTP-only flags, ensuring that the cookie data is transmitted securely and cannot be accessed by client-side scripts.

To start using JS Cookie, you can include the library in your web project by downloading it manually or using a package manager like npm or yarn:

npm install js-cookie

Then, import the library into your JavaScript file:

import Cookies from 'js-cookie';

Alternatively, you can include JS Cookie directly in your HTML file using a script tag:

<script src="path/to/js-cookie.js"></script>

JS Cookie provides a simple API to work with cookies. Here are some examples:

Setting a Cookie

To set a cookie, you can use the set method specifying the cookie name and its value:

Cookies.set('username', 'john.doe');

You can also set additional options such as the expiration date, path, and domain:

Cookies.set('username', 'john.doe', { expires: 7, path: '/', domain: 'example.com' });
Getting a Cookie Value

To get a cookie value, you can use the get method and provide the cookie name:

const username = Cookies.get('username');
Deleting a Cookie

To delete a cookie, you can use the remove method and specify the cookie name:


JS Cookie simplifies cookie management in JavaScript, providing an easy-to-use API with various features like setting, getting, and deleting cookies. It ensures cross-browser compatibility and allows you to store different types of data securely. Using JS Cookie can enhance your web application by adding functionality that relies on cookie-based storage.