📜  Ext.js-命名约定

📅  最后修改于: 2020-10-25 11:14:28             🧑  作者: Mango


Ext JS中的命名约定遵循标准的JavaScript约定,这不是强制性的,而是遵循的良好实践。它应遵循驼峰式语法来命名类,方法,变量和属性。


Name Convention
Class Name It should start with an uppercase letter, followed by camel case. For example, StudentClass
Method Name It should start with a lowercase letter, followed by camel case. For example, doLayout()
Variable Name It should start with a lowercase letter, followed by camel case. For example, firstName
Constant Name It should be in uppercase only. For example, COUNT, MAX_VALUE
Property Name It should start with a lowercase letter, followed by camel case. For example, enableColumnResize = true