📅  最后修改于: 2020-10-27 04:12:32             🧑  作者: Mango
NumPy包含以下函数,用于对dtype 字符串数组进行操作。
SN | Function | Description |
1 | add() | It is used to concatenate the corresponding array elements (strings). |
2 | multiply() | It returns the multiple copies of the specified string, i.e., if a string ‘hello’ is multiplied by 3 then, a string ‘hello hello’ is returned. |
3 | center() | It returns the copy of the string where the original string is centered with the left and right padding filled with the specified number of fill characters. |
4 | capitalize() | It returns a copy of the original string in which the first letter of the original string is converted to the Upper Case. |
5 | title() | It returns the title cased version of the string, i.e., the first letter of each word of the string is converted into the upper case. |
6 | lower() | It returns a copy of the string in which all the letters are converted into the lower case. |
7 | upper() | It returns a copy of the string in which all the letters are converted into the upper case. |
9 | split() | It returns a list of words in the string. |
9 | splitlines() | It returns the list of lines in the string, breaking at line boundaries. |
10 | strip() | Returns a copy of the string with the leading and trailing white spaces removed. |
11 | join() | It returns a string which is the concatenation of all the strings specified in the given sequence. |
12 | replace() | It returns a copy of the string by replacing all occurrences of a particular substring with the specified one. |
13 | decode() | It is used to decode the specified string element-wise using the specified codec. |
14 | encode() | It is used to encode the decoded string element-wise. |
import numpy as np
print("Concatenating two string arrays:")
print(np.char.add(['welcome','Hi'], [' to Javatpoint', ' read python'] ))
Concatenating two string arrays:
['welcome to Javatpoint' 'Hi read python']
import numpy as np
print("Printing a string multiple times:")
print(np.char.multiply("hello ",3))
Printing a string multiple times:
hello hello hello
import numpy as np
print("Padding the string through left and right with the fill char *");
#np.char.center(string, width, fillchar)
print(np.char.center("Javatpoint", 20, '*'))
Padding the string through left and right with the fill char *
import numpy as np
print("Capitalizing the string using capitalize()...")
print(np.char.capitalize("welcome to javatpoint"))
Capitalizing the string using capitalize()...
Welcome to javatpoint
import numpy as np
print("Converting string into title cased version...")
print(np.char.title("welcome to javatpoint"))
Converting string into title cased version...
Welcome To Javatpoint
import numpy as np
print("Converting all the characters of the string into lowercase...")
print(np.char.lower("WELCOME TO JAVATPOINT"))
Converting all the characters of the string into lowercase...
welcome to javatpoint
import numpy as np
print("Converting all the characters of the string into uppercase...")
print(np.char.upper("Welcome To Javatpoint"))
Converting all the characters of the string into uppercase...
import numpy as np
print("Splitting the String word by word..")
print(np.char.split("Welcome To Javatpoint"),sep = " ")
Splitting the String word by word..
['Welcome', 'To', 'Javatpoint']
import numpy as np
print("Splitting the String line by line..")
Splitting the String line by line..
['Welcome', 'To', 'Javatpoint']
import numpy as np
str = " welcome to javatpoint "
print("Original String:",str)
print("Removing the leading and trailing whitespaces from the string")
Original String: welcome to javatpoint
Removing the leading and trailing whitespaces from the string
welcome to javatpoint
import numpy as np
import numpy as np
str = "Welcome to Javatpoint"
print("Original String:",str)
print("Modified String:",end=" ")
print(np.char.replace(str, "Welcome to","www."))
Original String: Welcome to Javatpoint
Modified String: www. Javatpoint
import numpy as np
enstr = np.char.encode("welcome to javatpoint", 'cp500')
dstr =np.char.decode(enstr, 'cp500')
welcome to javatpoint