Petroleum is a complex mixture of solid, liquid and hydrocarbons, mixed with saltwater and earthy particles. It is always found trapped between two impervious rocks.
人们认为,石油是数百万年前埋在海床中的极小海洋动植物厌氧分解形成的。让我们看看这是怎么发生的。石油存在于两层不透水岩石之间的中等深度(500 m 至 200 m)。石油比水轻,因此漂浮在上面。天然气存在于石油之上,被困在岩盖和石油层之间。
石油是几种碳氢化合物的混合物。它还含有水、盐和岩石材料。它不能以这种制成的形式用作燃料或生产其他有用成分的基本材料。在投入使用之前,它必须经过提纯或提炼。将石油的各种成分相互分离的过程称为石油精炼。这是通过称为分馏的过程完成的,该过程基于石油的不同成分具有明显不同的沸点这一事实。在分馏中,原油在熔炉中被加热到 400°C 或略高的温度。
Petroleum gas is a flammable mixture of hydrocarbon gases Liquified Petroleum Gas is used in heating appliances and even in cooking types of equipment. It is also used as a refrigerant, replacing chlorofluorocarbons in an effort to reduce damage to the ozone layer.
Billions of years ago, animals and plants lived near to seas. After dying, the dead bodies got buried. Over the next billions of years under high pressure and high temperature, the organic matter transformed into what we know today as Petroleum or simply Petrol.
今天,在古代海洋所在的地下发现了石油。石油储层可以在陆地或海底找到。汽油广泛用于汽车,已成为基本必需品。由于它正在迅速耗尽,科学家们正在寻找汽油的替代品。汽油是当前的需要,因为汽车已成为 21 世纪的基本必需品。汽油用于汽车。
It is derived from petroleum. Kerosene is a combustible liquid. The name “Kerosene” is derived from the Greek word “Keros” meaning Wax. It is used as fuel for stoves, lamps and for jet aircraft.
在科学和工业用途中,它通常拼写为煤油。煤油烟雾中含有大量有害颗粒,家庭使用煤油会导致更高的癌症、呼吸道感染、哮喘等风险。它由石油在 150 至 275 °C 之间分馏而获得。
它还可以用于防止空气重新溶解在煮沸的液体中,以及储存高活性金属,如钾、钠等。 Constituents of Petroleum Uses Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) Petrol Kerosene Diesel Lubricating Oil Paraffin Wax BitumenIt is used as fuel for home and industry. It is used as motor fuel and as a solvent for dry cleaning It is used as fuel for stoves, lamps and for jet aircraft. It is used as fuel for heavy motor vehicles, electric generators It is used for lubrication. It is used in ointments, candles, vaseline, etc. It is used for making paints, surfacing roads
问题 1:描述煤是如何从死去的植被中形成的。这个过程叫什么?
About 300 million years ago the earth had dense forests in low lying wetland areas. Due to various natural processes, like flooding and earthquakes, these forests got buried under the soil. The solid deposits layer by layer over them were compressed. Under high temperature and pressure, the plants got converted to coal slowly. This process is called carbonisation.
问题 2:定义术语“石化产品”。
Petrochemicals are the substances obtained from petroleum and natural gas. They are used in the manufacture of detergents, fibres, polythene, etc.
问题 3:列出四种煤。
Peat, lignite, bituminous, anthracite are the four varieties of coal.
- Anthracite contains 86%–97% carbon and generally has the highest heating value of all ranks of coal.
- Bituminous coal contains 45%–86% carbon.
- Subbituminous coal typically contains 35%–45% carbon, and it has a lower heating value than bituminous coal.
- Lignite contains 25%–35% carbon and has the lowest energy content of all coal ranks
CNG stands for Compressed Natural Gas. It is cheap as compared to Petrol. CNG is considered to be a cleaner gas because it causes less pollution as compared to other fuels like petrol or diesel. It exhausts a lesser amount of nitrogen dioxide, carbon dioxide, and sulphur dioxide while burning as compared to other fuels.
问题 5:说出印度发现煤炭的两个地方。
There are basically 69 major coalfields located in the peninsula of India and 17 are located in the northeastern region. The bulk of the coal reserves are in the southeastern quadrant in West Bengal, Jharkhand, Orissa, Chhattisgarh & Madhya Pradesh.
Primarily, there are two types of mining methods being used for the extraction of minerals and ores – surface/opencast mining and underground mining.