📜  bo s (1)

📅  最后修改于: 2023-12-03 15:13:40.475000             🧑  作者: Mango

Bo S

Bo S is a free and open-source software library for numerical linear algebra written in C++. It provides a rich collection of linear algebra routines optimized for high performance on multi-core and multi-processor systems.


Bo S offers a wide range of features, including:

  • Dense and sparse matrix operations
  • Basic arithmetic operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication, etc.)
  • Decomposition of matrices (LU, QR, Cholesky, etc.)
  • Solvers for linear systems of equations
  • Eigenvalue and eigenvector computations
  • Random number generators for matrices and vectors
  • Support for complex numbers

Bo S is designed to take advantage of modern hardware and software developments. It employs advanced algorithms and optimizations such as:

  • Cache blocking
  • Loop unrolling
  • Vectorization
  • Parallel processing with OpenMP
  • Thread-level parallelism with TBB

As a result, Bo S can achieve high levels of performance on both desktop and supercomputer clusters.


Bo S follows a modern C++ interface with support for:

  • Automatic memory management with smart pointers
  • Expression templates for lazy evaluation
  • User-defined types and operators

The library is compatible with a wide range of compilers and operating systems, including GCC, Clang, Visual Studio, macOS, and Linux.


Bo S is distributed under the permissive BSD license and can be freely used, modified, and redistributed. The library is available on GitHub and can be installed as a package or built from source.

Example code:

#include "bos/matrix.hpp"
#include "bos/decomposition.hpp"
#include "bos/solver.hpp"

int main() {
  bos::matrix<double> A = {{4, 12, -16},
                           {12, 37, -43},
                           {-16, -43, 98}};
  bos::vector<double> b = {1, 2, 3};

  // Solve Ax = b for x
  bos::lu_decomposition<double> lu(A);
  bos::vector<double> x = bos::lu_solver(lu, b);

  return 0;

Bo S is a powerful and versatile numerical linear algebra library for C++. With its high performance and modern interface, it is an excellent tool for scientists, engineers, and programmers who need to manipulate matrices and vectors in their applications.