📜  myrmex lambda-packager (1)

📅  最后修改于: 2023-12-03 14:44:26.519000             🧑  作者: Mango

Myrmex Lambda-Packager


Myrmex Lambda-Packager is a tool designed for developers who use AWS Lambda to build serverless applications. It simplifies the process of packaging, deploying and managing Lambda functions as well as their dependencies.


Myrmex Lambda-Packager provides the following features:

  • Dependency Management: Automatically packages all dependencies of your Lambda function.
  • Multiple Language Support: Supports Lambda functions written in Python, Node.js, Java and C#.
  • Versioning and Rollback: Allows you to easily manage multiple versions of your Lambda functions.
  • Integration with CI/CD: Integrates seamlessly with CI/CD tools such as Jenkins, AWS CodePipeline and Octopus Deploy.
  • Cost Optimization: Minimizes your Lambda deployment package size and reduces deployment time.
How it works

Myrmex Lambda-Packager uses the specified build specification to identify the source code and dependencies of your Lambda function. It then creates a deployment package and uploads it to AWS Lambda.

To use Myrmex Lambda-Packager, you will need to install and configure it on your local machine. You can then use the CLI to package your Lambda functions by running the following command:

$ myrmex lambda-packager package example.py

This will create a deployment package for the Python Lambda function in the example.py file.

Getting started

To get started with Myrmex Lambda-Packager, follow these steps:

  1. Install the Myrmex Lambda-Packager CLI by running the following command:
$ npm install -g myrmex-lambda-packager
  1. Configure your AWS credentials by running the following command:
$ aws configure
  1. Create a build specification file for your Lambda function. The build specification file is a YAML file that specifies the source code and dependencies of your Lambda function. You can use the following template to create your build specification file:
version: 0.2
      - echo "Build started on `date`"
      - echo "Compiling the source code"
      - npm install
      - npm run build
      - echo "Packaging Lambda function"
      - npm run package
      - echo "Uploading package to S3"
      - aws s3 cp build/package.zip s3://my-bucket/myrmex-lambda-package.zip
  1. Run the following command to package your Lambda function:
$ myrmex lambda-packager package example.py

Myrmex Lambda-Packager helps developers streamline the process of packaging, deploying and managing Lambda functions. It simplifies the task of managing dependencies and provides developers with an easy to use, scalable tool for deploying their Lambda code. Try it out today and see how it can benefit your serverless application development process!