📅  最后修改于: 2020-11-07 09:28:02             🧑  作者: Mango
它是计算机系统的组件,允许短期存储数据。在计算机系统中,内存是一个RAM,用于临时存储数据和信息。 RAM包含我们计算机上当前正在运行的所有内容。当用户单击任何应用程序,运行程序或访问文档时,计算机系统会将数据存储在随机存取存储器中。
Memory | Storage |
1. It is usually referred to as Random Access Memory (RAM). | 1. It is usually referred to as Solid State Drive (SSD). |
2. It is an element which stores the data and information for a short-term basis. | 2. It is an element which stores the data and information for a long-term basis. |
3. It is a volatile memory. | 3. It is a non-volatile memory. |
4. It is faster than storage (SSD). | 4. It is slower than the memory (RAM). |
5. It is a component which accesses the data instantly. | 5. It cannot modify or access the data as fast as memory. |
6. When the system or device loses power, then the data or information is lost. | 6. The data and information will remain even. |
7. The modules of this component is expensive than the storage. | 7. The cost of the storage device is less than the memory modules. |
8. The size of memory devices is not large. | 8. The size of storage devices is much larger than memory devices. And, the size goes up to terabytes. |
9. This component is made up of registers. | 9. This component is made up of magnetic parts or strips. |