UwU被用作表情符号来展示对可爱事物的反应。在这个表情符号中,“U”表示两只闭着的眼睛,“w”表示紧闭、兴奋的嘴唇。想象一下看到可爱的东西,比如婴儿可爱地打喷嚏,反应可能是 UwU,发音为“ooh-wooh”。
UwU 文本是原始文本已被“UwUfied”的术语类型。 UwU 文本应该是原始文本的更可爱的版本。它在某些在线社区中很受欢迎,主要是作为一种有趣的做法。
Input : The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.
Output : The quick bwown fox jumps ovew the wazy dog.
Input : Nooo! I was not late to work!
Output : Nyooo! I was nyot wate to wowk!
算法 :
- 将所有 'R's 和 'r's 分别更改为 'w' 和 'W'。
- 将所有“L”和“l”分别更改为“w”和“W”。
- 如果当前字符是 'o' 或 'O' 而前一个字符是 'M'、'm'、'N' 或 'n',则在字符之间添加 'y'。
- 如果任何字符的条件都不匹配,则保持该字符不变。
# Function to convert into UwU text
def generateUwU(input_text):
# the length of the input text
length = len(input_text)
# variable declaration for the output text
output_text = ''
# check the cases for every individual character
for i in range(length):
# initialize the variables
current_char = input_text[i]
previous_char = ' 092; 048;'
# assign the value of previous_char
if i > 0:
previous_char = input_text[i - 1]
# change 'L' and 'R' to 'W'
if current_char == 'L' or current_char == 'R':
output_text += 'W'
# change 'l' and 'r' to 'w'
elif current_char == 'l' or current_char == 'r':
output_text += 'w'
# if the current character is 'o' or 'O'
# also check the previous character
elif current_char == 'O' or current_char == 'o':
if previous_char == 'N' or previous_char == 'n' or previous_char == 'M' or previous_char == 'm':
output_text += "yo"
output_text += current_char
# if no case match, write it as it is
output_text += current_char
return output_text
# Driver code
if __name__=='__main__':
input_text1 = "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog."
input_text2 = "Nooo ! I was not late to work !"
输出 :
The quick bwown fox jumps ovew the wazy dog.
Nyooo! I was nyot wate to wowk!