📜  Python:MySQL 创建表

📅  最后修改于: 2022-05-13 01:54:48.776000             🧑  作者: Mango

Python:MySQL 创建表

MySQL 是关系数据库管理系统 (RDBMS),而结构化查询语言 (SQL) 是用于使用命令(即从数据库创建、插入、更新和删除数据)处理 RDBMS 的语言。 SQL 命令不区分大小写,即 CREATE 和 create 表示相同的命令。
按照下面提到的过程安装Python MySQL 的依赖项

  1. 使用命令提示符导航到Python脚本目录。
  2. 执行命令
pip install mysql-connector

Python Mysql 连接器模块方法

1. connect():该函数用于与MySQL服务器建立连接。以下是用于启动连接的参数:

  1. user:与用于验证连接的 MySQL 服务器关联的用户名
  2. 密码:与用户名关联的密码,用于身份验证
  3. 数据库: MySQL中用于创建表的数据库

2. cursor() : 游标是执行SQL命令时在系统内存中创建的工作空间。该内存是临时的,并且游标连接在整个会话/生命周期内都是有界的,并且命令被执行

3. execute() :execute函数将 SQL 查询作为参数并执行。查询是用于创建、插入、检索、更新、删除等的 SQL 命令。


创建数据库的 SQL 命令:


示例:考虑以下在 MySQL 中创建数据库的示例(例如:大学)

# Python code for creating Database
# Host: It is the server name. It will be
# "localhost" if you are using localhost database
import mysql.connector as SQLC
# Establishing connection with the SQL
DataBase = SQLC.connect(
  host ="server name",
  user ="user name",
  password ="password"
# Cursor to the database
Cursor = DataBase.cursor()
Cursor.execute("CREATE DATABASE College")
print("College Data base is created")

# Python code for creating Table in the Database
# Host: It is the server name. It will be "localhost"
# if you are using localhost database
import mysql.connectors as SQLC
def CreateTable():
     # Connecting To the Database in Localhost
     DataBase = SQLC.connect(
                 host ="server name",
                 user ="user name",
                 password ="password",
                 database ="College"
     # Cursor to the database
     Cursor = DataBase.cursor()
     # Query for Creating the table
     # The student table contains two columns Name and
     # Name of data type varchar i.e to store string
     # and Roll number of the integer data type.
     TableName ="CREATE TABLE Student
                    Name VARCHAR(255),
                    Roll_no int
     print("Student Table is Created in the Database")
# Calling CreateTable function

输出 :

College Data base is created


  1. 该表是以行和列的形式组织的数据集合。表存在于数据库中。
  2. 行也称为元组
  3. 列称为表的属性

创建表的 SQL 命令:

     column_name_1 column_Data_type, 
     column_name_2 column_Data_type, 
     column_name_n column_Data_type

SQL 数据类型


  1. 数字
  2. 字符/字符串
  3. 约会时间。
  4. Unicode字符/字符串
  5. 二进制

除上述数据类型外,MySQL 中还有其他杂项数据类型,包括 CLOB、BLOB、JSON、XML 数据类型。


# Python code for creating Table in the Database
# Host: It is the server name. It will be "localhost"
# if you are using localhost database
import mysql.connectors as SQLC
def CreateTable():
     # Connecting To the Database in Localhost
     DataBase = SQLC.connect(
                 host ="server name",
                 user ="user name",
                 password ="password",
                 database ="College"
     # Cursor to the database
     Cursor = DataBase.cursor()
     # Query for Creating the table
     # The student table contains two columns Name and
     # Name of data type varchar i.e to store string
     # and Roll number of the integer data type.
     TableName ="CREATE TABLE Student
                    Name VARCHAR(255),
                    Roll_no int
     print("Student Table is Created in the Database")
# Calling CreateTable function

输出 :

Student Table is Created in the Database