Food security refers to the availability of food and people’s capacity to obtain it. Food security is described by the United Nation’s Committee on World Food Security as,
Having physical, social, and economic access to adequate, safe, and nutritious food that fits their food choices and dietary needs for an active and healthy life at all times.
另一个例子是无论社会地位、性别或地理位置如何,都能获得食物。 1974 年世界粮食会议对粮食安全的定义是:“在任何时候都能获得充足、营养丰富、多样化、平衡和适度的世界基本粮食供应,以维持粮食消费的稳定增长并抵消波动在生产和价格方面。”
“Food security” is defined as “physical and economic access to sufficient, safe, and nutritious food to fulfill their dietary needs and food choices for an active and healthy life at all times.”
How calamity affects the Food security?
Due to drought total production of food grain decreases as it creates a shortage of food in affected areas as well as increase in the price and At the high price some people cannot afford the food . If such calamity happens for a long time or in a wide spread area then it can lead to starvation .
A massive starvation can cause FAMINE. Famine is defined by wide spread deaths due to starvation and Epidemics caused by forced use of contaminated water or decaying food and loss of body resistance due to weakening from starvation .The devastating famine occurred in India was the famine of Bengal in . in this famine thirty lakhs person has lost their lives in the province of Bengal. In this famine agricultural laborers and other casual laborers were affected the most by rapid increase in price of rice and their numbers of death was high .
就像孟加拉的饥荒一样,它在印度再也没有发生过,但在一些地方,饥荒状况一直存在,而且多年来也有报道称饿死。近年来,拉贾斯坦邦的巴兰区、贾坎德邦的帕拉毛区以及许多其他偏远地区也报告了因饥饿而死亡的事件。在 1970 年代,食品安全被理解为基本食品的供应。 Amartya sen 为粮食安全提供了一个新维度,因为它强调通过权利获得食物,即人们可以与国家一起在市场上生产和交换的食物的组合。
因此,对粮食安全的认识经常发生变化。 1995 年世界粮食首脑会议宣布在个人、家庭、区域、国家和全球层面存在粮食安全,因为所有人都可以在物质和经济上满足他们的基本饮食需求和食物偏好,从而过上积极健康的生活后来,他们还得出结论,消除贫困对于改善食物获取是必要的。
Need of Food Security in India
Because of the following reason given below food security in India is needed:
- Overpopulation: As India’s population is continuously increasing at a rapid rate which has increased from 3.6 million tons in 1951 to about 41 million tons in 2015 this is one of the reasons that lead to the need for food security.
- Hoarding and Black marketing: This hoarding and black marketing activity have increased the inadequate supply of food because some traders hoard the food grains and create a shortage of food grains to push the prices high and to make an extra profit this leads to an artificial crisis of food shortage in the country.
- Corrupt administrative services: As in the country, the government has taken various measures like rationing, price control, zoning, etc to prevent the shortage of food or to an adequate supply of food but as the administrative machinery is totally corrupt, it hardly gives benefit to general masses of the country.
- Unequal production of food grains: Most of the production of food grains is only by some states like Punjab, Haryana, Uttar Pradesh, and Andhra Pradesh. So sometimes it is very difficult to transfer food grains from one region to another.
- Poverty and Natural calamity: In general, there is usually poor people below the poverty line who are food insecure whereas other people are food insecure just at the time of natural calamity, As at the time of natural calamity there is a shortage of food which leads to rising in price and some people can’t afford it.
In the urban areas, food-insecure families are those who are generally employed in ill-paid or ill-treated occupations. workers who are largely engaged in seasonal activities and are paid very low wages are the ones who are food insecure.
- 慢性饥饿:这是饮食数量或质量不足的结果。人们因收入非常低,有时无法获得生存所需的食物而遭受长期饥饿之苦。
- 季节性饥饿:与粮食生长和收获的周期有关,由于农业的季节性,这种情况主要发生在农村地区
The main functions of FCI are,
- To encourage the purchase of wheat and rice from the farmers.
- For the declaration of MSP.
- Availability of seeds and other inputs to Farmers.
For the food security of people, government has opened more than 4.6 lakhs ration shops all over the country to provide food grains and essential goods to the poor section of the society at reasonable rates under the public distribution system .
Subsidy is a payment that has been made by government to producer to supplement the market price of a commodity . Its a term to keep consumer prices low while maintaining a higher income for domestic producers .
Government provides food grains to the poorer strata of the society through the public distribution system at a very low price . this price is known as Issue price .
问题 5:什么是粮食安全并列出粮食安全所依赖的一些因素?
Availability, accessibility and affordability of food to all people at all time is termed as food security.
Factors on which food security depends are,
- Buffer stock
- Public Distribution system
- Increase in Food production