如果在 LISP 中构造
在本文中,我们将讨论 LISP 中的if构造。 if是一个决策语句,用于检查条件是对还是错。如果条件正确,则进入if块内部,执行if块下的语句。否则,不执行语句。
(if (condition) then (statement 1).....(statement n))
在这里, then是 if 语句中使用的可选关键字。
示例 1 :用运算符检查条件的 LISP 程序
;define value to 100
(setq val1 100)
;check the number is equal to 100
(if (= val1 100)
(format t "equal to 100"))
;check the number is greater than to 50
(if (> val1 50)
(format t "greater than 50"))
;check the number is less than to 150
(if (< val1 150)
(format t "less than 150"))
;define value to 230
(setq val1 230)
;check the number is equal to 100
(if (= val1 100)
(format t "equal to 100"))
;check the number is greater than to 50
(if (> val1 50)
(format t "greater than 50"))
;check the number is less than to 150
(if (< val1 250)
(format t "less than 250"))
equal to 100
greater than 50
less than 150
示例 2:
;define value to 230
(setq val1 230)
;check the number is equal to 100
(if (= val1 100)
(format t "equal to 100"))
;check the number is greater than to 50
(if (> val1 50)
(format t "greater than 50"))
;check the number is less than to 150
(if (< val1 250)
(format t "less than 250"))
greater than 50
less than 250