Power BI – 时间序列、聚合和过滤器
先决条件: Power BI - 在层次结构中向下钻取和向上钻取
本文讨论 Power BI 的各种重要概念及其实现。这里将讨论以下概念:
- 时间序列
- 聚合
- 过滤器
使用的数据集是'Long-Term-Unemployment-Stats' 。请参阅数据集以跟随本文的以下给定部分 – 数据集
数据以这样的方式,每行,我们可以找到的数量格式化Unemployed people
。 (请参阅下面给出的数据集图像。)数据集的结构侧重于机器理解的效率,而不是人类。
为了理解时间序列的概念,我们需要在 Power BI 中为我们的数据创建一个折线图。
Steps Involved:
Step 1 - Upload your dataset.
Step 2 - Drag and Drop 'Period' and 'Unemployed' from Fields.
Step 3 - Click on your graph and select Line Chart from the visualization panel.
- 对于每一年,我们都有一个单独的点代表那一年的失业人数。
- 每个数据点代表该特定年份所有失业人员的总数或总和。
我们将使用 2 种方法实现时间序列:
方法 1:使用显示下一级钻孔。
Steps Involved:
Step 1 - Click on your line chart. Go to values section and right click on 'Unemployed' and select Average.
(Doing this will convert your line chart from sum to average as shown in Fig 1)
Step 2 - Go to 'Switch to next level' and press it to drill data points to lower level.
Example : Average of Unemployed by [Year --> Quarter --> Month] (Shown in Fig 2)
Here, we observe that following things in the given Time Series:
1. The average unemployment in the third quarter was the highest.
2. The average unemployment in the months of June and July are the lowest.
方法 2:使用扩展到下一级钻孔。
在这种方法中,我们将数据视为一组连续的点。 (不是分类变量)。随着我们深入到下一个级别,数据点会增加。在某种程度上,它转换为连续的时间序列数据。
Steps Involved:
Step 1 - Convert your 'unemployed' column back to sum from average.
Step 2 - Step 2 - Go to 'Expand all down one level' and press it to drill data points to lower level.
Example: Unemployed by [Year --> Quarter --> Month] (Shown in Fig 3)
当您组合数据中的值时,它称为聚合。该数学运算的结果是一个聚合。我们使用 sum、average、min/max 等来聚合数据中的值。相反,粒度是数据点的隔离。当我们增加聚合率时,粒度率会降低。
Steps Involved:
Step 1 - Go to 'Expand all down one level' and press it to drill data points to the month level. (Shown in Fig 4)
Step 2 - Put values like 'Gender' and 'Age' into the legend tab one by one. (Shown in Fig 5)
Using the legends shown above the line chart, observe as the granularity of data increases.
Steps Involved:
Step 1 - Select the line chart 'Unemployed by Year, Quarter, Month and Age'. (Shown in Fig 5)
Step 2 - Go to visualization panel and select 'Stacked Area Chart'. (Shown in Fig 6)
Power BI 中的筛选器用于根据某些选定条件对数据和信息进行排序。使用它,我们可以从数据中提取特定信息。例如,我们有5家公司一周的股市数据。使用过滤器,我们可以选择要显示数据的特定公司和特定日期。
Steps Involved:
Step 1 - Select your Stacked Area Chart Visualization created above.
Step 2 - Drag and Drop 'Gender' column into Filter Pane as shown in Fig 7.
Step 3 - Now you can select between Male and Female or both, for the section of the data you want to display.
Power BI 中的切片器是“画布上的视觉筛选器”。切片器与过滤器一样,使用户能够过滤数据并查看所需的信息。与过滤器不同,切片器在报告中显示为视觉对象,让用户在分析报告时选择值。可以在一页上创建多个切片器。 (如图8所示)
Steps Involved:
Step 1 - Unselect any visualization. (if selected)
Step 2 - Select 'Slicer' from visualization panel. You will se a blank panel appear in the Report View.
Step 3 - Select specific data segments from 'Gender' and 'Age' slicer to get the filtered data as shown in Fig 8.