📅  最后修改于: 2020-11-16 06:52:50             🧑  作者: Mango
public final class Range
extends Object
implements Predicate, Serializable
Sr.No | Method & Description |
1 |
static Returns a range that contains every value of type C. |
2 |
boolean apply(C input)Deprecated. Provided only to satisfy the Predicate interface; use contains(C) instead. |
3 |
static Returns a range that contains all values greater than or equal to endpoint. |
4 |
static Returns a range that contains all values less than or equal to endpoint. |
5 |
Range Returns the canonical form of this range in the given domain. |
6 |
static Returns a range that contains all values greater than or equal to lower and less than or equal to upper. |
7 |
static Returns a range that contains all values greater than or equal to lower and strictly less than upper. |
8 |
boolean contains(C value) Returns true if value is within the bounds of this range. |
9 |
boolean containsAll(Iterable extends C> values) Returns true if every element in values is contained in this range. |
10 |
static Returns a range from the given endpoint, which may be either inclusive (closed) or exclusive (open), with no upper bound. |
11 |
static Returns the minimal range that contains all of the given values. |
12 |
boolean encloses(Range Returns true if the bounds of other do not extend outside the bounds of this range. |
13 |
boolean equals(Object object) Returns true if object is a range having the same endpoints and bound types as this range. |
14 |
static Returns a range that contains all values strictly greater than endpoint. |
15 |
int hashCode() Returns a hash code for this range. |
16 |
boolean hasLowerBound() Returns true if this range has a lower endpoint. |
17 |
boolean hasUpperBound() Returns true if this range has an upper endpoint. |
18 |
Range Returns the maximal range enclosed by both this range and connectedRange, if such a range exists. |
19 |
boolean isConnected(Range Returns true if there exists a (possibly empty) range which is enclosed by both this range and other. |
20 |
boolean isEmpty() Returns true if this range is of the form [v..v) or (v..v]. |
21 |
static Returns a range that contains all values strictly less than endpoint. |
22 |
BoundType lowerBoundType() Returns the type of this range’s lower bound: BoundType.CLOSED if the range includes its lower endpoint, BoundType.OPEN if it does not. |
23 |
C lowerEndpoint() Returns the lower endpoint of this range. |
24 |
static Returns a range that contains all values strictly greater than lower and strictly less than upper. |
25 |
static Returns a range that contains all values strictly greater than lower and less than or equal to upper. |
26 |
static Returns a range that contains any value from lower to upper, where each endpoint may be either inclusive (closed) or exclusive (open). |
27 |
static Returns a range that contains only the given value. |
28 |
Range Returns the minimal range that encloses both this range and other. |
29 |
String toString() Returns a string representation of this range, such as “[3..5)” (other examples are listed in the class documentation). |
30 |
BoundType upperBoundType() Returns the type of this range’s upper bound: BoundType.CLOSED if the range includes its upper endpoint, BoundType.OPEN if it does not. |
31 |
C upperEndpoint() Returns the upper endpoint of this range. |
32 |
static Returns a range with no lower bound up to the given endpoint, which may be either inclusive (closed) or exclusive (open). |
使用您选择的任何编辑器在C:/> Guava中创建以下Java程序。
import com.google.common.collect.ContiguousSet;
import com.google.common.collect.DiscreteDomain;
import com.google.common.collect.Range;
import com.google.common.primitives.Ints;
public class GuavaTester {
public static void main(String args[]) {
GuavaTester tester = new GuavaTester();
private void testRange() {
//create a range [a,b] = { x | a <= x <= b}
Range range1 = Range.closed(0, 9);
System.out.print("[0,9] : ");
System.out.println("5 is present: " + range1.contains(5));
System.out.println("(1,2,3) is present: " + range1.containsAll(Ints.asList(1, 2, 3)));
System.out.println("Lower Bound: " + range1.lowerEndpoint());
System.out.println("Upper Bound: " + range1.upperEndpoint());
//create a range (a,b) = { x | a < x < b}
Range range2 = Range.open(0, 9);
System.out.print("(0,9) : ");
//create a range (a,b] = { x | a < x <= b}
Range range3 = Range.openClosed(0, 9);
System.out.print("(0,9] : ");
//create a range [a,b) = { x | a <= x < b}
Range range4 = Range.closedOpen(0, 9);
System.out.print("[0,9) : ");
//create an open ended range (9, infinity
Range range5 = Range.greaterThan(9);
System.out.println("(9,infinity) : ");
System.out.println("Lower Bound: " + range5.lowerEndpoint());
System.out.println("Upper Bound present: " + range5.hasUpperBound());
Range range6 = Range.closed(3, 5);
//check a subrange [3,5] in [0,9]
System.out.println("[0,9] encloses [3,5]:" + range1.encloses(range6));
Range range7 = Range.closed(9, 20);
//check ranges to be connected
System.out.println("[0,9] is connected [9,20]:" + range1.isConnected(range7));
Range range8 = Range.closed(5, 15);
private void printRange(Range range) {
System.out.print("[ ");
for(int grade : ContiguousSet.create(range, DiscreteDomain.integers())) {
System.out.print(grade +" ");
C:\Guava>javac GuavaTester.java
C:\Guava>java GuavaTester
[0,9] : [ 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ]
5 is present: true
(1,2,3) is present: true
Lower Bound: 0
Upper Bound: 9
(0,9) : [ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ]
(0,9] : [ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ]
[0,9) : [ 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ]
(9,infinity) :
Lower Bound: 9
Upper Bound present: false
[ 3 4 5 ]
[0,9] encloses [3,5]:true
[ 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 ]
[0,9] is connected [9,20]:true
[ 5 6 7 8 9 ]
[ 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 ]