检查仅 S 和 T 重复的无向图中节点 S 和 T 之间是否存在循环 |套装 – 2
给定一个有N个节点和两个顶点S & T的无向图,任务是检查这两个顶点之间是否存在循环(并返回它),使得除了 S和T之外的其他节点不会出现超过一次循环。
Input: N = 7, edges[][] = {{0, 1}, {1, 2}, {2, 3}, {3, 4}, {4, 5}, {5, 2}, {2, 6}, {6, 0}}, S = 0, T = 4
Output: No simple cycle from S to T exists
Explanation: No simple cycle from S to T exists,
because node 2 appears two times, in the only cycle that exists between 0 & 4
Input: N = 7, edges[][] = {{0, 1}, {1, 2}, {1, 6}, {2, 3}, {3, 4}, {4, 5}, {5, 2}, {2, 6}, {6, 0}},, S = 0, T = 4
Output: 0->1->3->4->5->2->6->0
Explanation: The cycle doesn’t repeat any node (except 0)
有效的方法:在幼稚的方法中,检查所有可能的路径。这种方法的想法类似于使用Edmonds-Karp实现的 Ford Fulkerson 算法,但只有2 个 BFS 。请按照以下步骤解决问题
- 首先,通过复制接收者和发送者中的每个节点(除了S和T )来制作有向图:
- 如果原始图有边:{a, b},则新图将有 {sender_a, receiver_b}
- 唯一指向发送者的节点是他的接收者,所以以 sender_v 结尾的唯一边是: { receiver_v, sender_v }
- 接收者只指向他的发送者,所以receiver_v的邻接表为:[sender_v]
- 运行 BFS以找到从 S 到 T 的路径,并记住返回的路径(使用前驱数组)。
- 反转找到的路径中的边,这一步类似于福特富尔克森中增广路径的更新。
- 在反转时记住路径中从一个节点到另一个节点的流
- 所以,如果cur的前一个节点是pred,那么flow[cur] = pred
- 最后,记住最后一个节点(在节点t之前),我们称之为:first_node(因为它是flow_path中t之后的第一个节点),first_node = flow[t]
- 再次运行 BFS以找到第二条路径,并记住返回的路径(使用前驱数组)。
- 再次记忆第二条路径的流程:
- 只有在没有相反方向的先前流时才标记流,这样两个相反的流将被丢弃。因此,如果 flow[pred] == cur 不要这样做: flow[cur] = pred
- 如果 cur 的前一个节点在路径中 pred,则 flow[cur] = pred
- 最后,加入路径:
- 通过流遍历两条路径,一条从 first_node 开始,另一条从 flow[t]
- 由于我们有 2 条从 t 到 s 的路径,通过还原其中一条,我们将有一条从 s 到 t 的路径,以及另一条从 t 到 s 的路径。
- 从 s 到 t 遍历一条路径,从 t 到 s 遍历另一条路径。
# Python program for the above approach
# Auxiliary data struct for the BFS:
class Node:
def __init__(self, val):
self.val = val
self.next = None
class queue:
def __init__(self):
self.head = None
self.tail = None
def empty(self):
return self.head == None
def push(self, val):
if self.head is None:
self.head = Node(val)
self.tail = self.head
self.tail.next = Node(val)
self.tail = self.tail.next
def pop(self):
returned = self.head.val
self.head = self.head.next
return returned
# BFS to find the paths
def bfs(graph, s, t):
# Number of nodes in original graph
N = len(graph)//2
Q = queue()
predecessor = list(-1 for _ in range(2 * N))
predecessor[s] = s
while not Q.empty():
cur = Q.pop()
# Add neighbors to the queue
for neighbour in graph[cur]:
# If we reach node we found the path
if neighbour == t or neighbour == t + N:
predecessor[t] = cur
predecessor[t + N] = cur
return predecessor
# Not seen
if predecessor[neighbour] == -1:
predecessor[neighbour] = cur
return None
# Invert the path and register flow
def invert_path(graph, predecessor, flow, s, t):
N = len(graph)//2
cur = t
while cur != s:
pred = predecessor[cur]
if flow[pred] != cur:
flow[cur] = pred
# Reverse edge
cur = pred
# Node S and T are not duplicated
# so we don't reverse the edge s->(s + N)
# because it shouldn't exist
graph[s].append(s + N)
return flow
# Return the path by the flow
def flow_path(flow, first_node, s):
path = []
cur = first_node
while cur != s:
cur = flow[cur]
return path
# Function to get the cyclle with 2 nodes
def cycleWith2Nodes(graph, s = 0, t = 1):
# Number of nodes in the graph
N = len(graph)
# Duplicate nodes:
# Adjacency list of sender nodes
graph += list(graph[node] for node in range(N))
# Adjacency list of receiver nodes
graph[:N] = list([node + N] for node in range(N))
# print('duplicated graph:', graph, '\n')
# Find a path from s to t
predecessor = bfs(graph, s, t)
if predecessor is not None:
# List to memorize the flow
# flow from node v is:
# flow[v], which gives the node who
# receives the flow
flow = list(-1 for _ in range(2 * N))
flow = invert_path(graph, predecessor, flow, s, t)
first_node = flow[t]
print("No cycle")
# Find second path
predecessor = bfs(graph, s, t)
if predecessor is not None:
flow = invert_path(graph, predecessor, flow, s, t)
# Combine both paths:
# From T to S
path1 = flow_path(flow, first_node, s)
path2 = flow_path(flow, flow[t], s)
# Reverse the second path
# so we will have another path
# but from s to t
simpleCycle = [s]+path2+[t]+path1+[s]
print("No cycle")
# Driver Code
if __name__ == "__main__":
graph = [
[1, 6], # 0
[0, 2, 3], # 1
[1, 3, 5, 6], # 2
[1, 2, 4], # 3
[3, 5], # 4
[2, 4], # 5
[0, 2], # 6
cycleWith2Nodes(graph, s = 0, t = 4)
[0, 6, 2, 5, 4, 3, 1, 0]
- 创建重复图:O(V+E)
- 2 BFS: O(V+E)
- 2 次反转(注册流程):O(路径大小)<= O(V+E)
- 从流数组重新创建路径:O(path size) <= O(V+E)
- 反向一条路径:O(path size) <= O(V+E)
辅助空间:O(N*N),其中 N 是图中的顶点数。