整个 18 世纪,英国东印度公司在印度次大陆的统治地位得到巩固,带来了社会经济的发展,导致了印度中产阶级的形成,同时逐渐侵蚀了前殖民时期的社会宗教制度和障碍。印度公司所有者和商人以及专业阶层日益增长的经济和金融主导地位,促使他们与英国当局的冲突日益加剧。在 19 世纪后期的几十年里,印度本土社会精英(包括律师、医生、大学毕业生、政府官员和类似群体)中不断发展的政治意识产生了印度身份,并滋养了印度日益增长的民族主义热情。
Satyagraha 的哲学和实践以及作为实现人与所有生物和自然完全和谐相处的自由、正义与和平社会的方法的建设性计划是圣雄甘地对整个人类的贡献。
甘地发明了 Satyagraha 作为一种独一无二的打击不公正的策略。在他 50 年的真理经验过程中,他磨练了这种方法。他制定并提出了一系列建设性计划来加强国家,同时带头开展 Satyagraha 运动,将国家从英国统治中解放出来。甘地在抵达印度之前在南非度过了 20 多年。他原本去南非一年是为了挣点钱。他越来越担心移民印度人的困境,以至于他放弃了有利可图的法律实践,组织了一场非暴力的斗争,后来他称之为 Satyagraha。 Satyagraha 成为 Gandhiji 的一种生活方式,而不仅仅是非暴力抵抗的工具。
在甘地的指导下,该国出现了各种各样的 Satyagraha 运动。在 1919 年至 1922 年的不合作运动和 1930 年至 1934 年的公民不服从运动期间,自愿经历各种磨难的人们经历了非凡的意识和行动主义。大量受过教育的中产阶级成员在此期间被监禁。最初的运动。在第二次运动中,成千上万的妇女从家中站起来抗议英国的权威。人们发现 Satyagraha 可能是抗议不公正的有力工具。
由圣雄甘地领导的印度国民大会 (INC) 于 1920 年 9 月 5 日发起了不合作运动。该党于 1920 年 9 月在加尔各答的一次国会会议上发起了不合作议程。 1920年9月至1922年2月被认为是不合作运动的时期。它标志着印度寻求独立的新时代的开始。
不合作运动是在一系列事件之后开始的,尤其是贾利安瓦拉巴格大屠杀,并因 1922 年的乔里乔拉事件而暂停。
不合作运动主要由圣雄甘地领导。他于 1920 年 3 月发表宣言,概述了非暴力不合作运动理论。
- 这场运动主要是对印度英国政府的和平和非暴力抗议。
- 作为抗议的一种形式,印度人被要求放弃他们的头衔并辞去地方政府的提名职位。
- 人们被要求辞去政府职务。
- 人们被要求将他们的孩子从政府控制或援助的学校和大学等学校带走。
The Rowlatt Act 1919, also known as the Rowlatt Satyagraha, was one of the most contentious legislative laws adopted by the British government in the early twentieth century to limit the civil freedoms of Indians. It revolutionized the Indian national movement and elevated India’s most zealous independence warrior, Mahatma Gandhi. This bill sparked several demonstrations across India, as well as the most heinous atrocity in Indian history: the Jallianwala Bagh Massacre.
为了回应圣雄甘地被排除在旁遮普邦访问、4 月 10 日赛夫丁·基奇卢和萨蒂亚帕尔皈依驱逐以及对《罗拉特法案》的回应,印度人试图在 1919 年团结起来抗议。 宣读了 REH Dyer 准将的新规则1919 年 4 月 13 日上午,在全市 19 个地点,在全市喊叫者的军鼓声中。他将未经许可离开城市定为违法,禁止任何“任何形式的游行”和四人以上的集会,并表示“晚上8点后在街上发现任何人都将被枪杀”。
这些声明是在噪音和异常高温的背景下发表的,它们错过了城市周围的关键点,表明信息没有充分分发。戴尔后来在下午 12 点 40 分接到通知,将在 Jallianwala Bagh 召开政治集会。当戴尔带着来自第 2-9 廓尔喀人、第 54 锡克教徒和第 59 信德步枪队的 90 名锡克教徒、廓尔喀人、俾路支和拉杰普特军队抵达时,已经聚集了 20,000 人;演讲者、听众、野餐者、男人、女人和各个年龄段的儿童,包括锡克教徒、印度教徒、穆斯林和基督徒。戴尔随后命令他的部队向示威者开火。发射了 1,650 发子弹,随后对死伤人数提出了质疑。
到 1919 年 5 月 22 日,泰戈尔得知了这场悲剧。他试图在加尔各答组织一次示威,但最终选择放弃他的英国骑士身份,作为“一种象征性的抗议姿态”。他在 31 日的拒绝信中说:“我……渴望站在我的同胞的一边,被剥夺了所有特殊的荣誉,因为他们所谓的渺小,要忍受不适合人类的堕落。” 1919 年 5 月,写信给印度总督切姆斯福德勋爵。
问题 1:Jallianwala Bagh 发生了什么,它是如何发生的?
The events that lead to this heinous deed were as follows:
- Rowlatt Act (1919): Despite the Indian members’ unanimous opposition, the British government approved the Rowlatt Act (1919). This Act provided the government vast powers to suppress political activity, including the ability to detain someone for two years without charge.
- Gandhiji wanted nonviolent civil disobedience against the Rowlatt Act. Rallies were held around the country, employees went on strike, and businesses were shut down.
- Due to a popular uprising, the British administration enforced martial law in Amritsar. On the 13th of April, 1919, General Dyer opened fire on a crowd of innocents gathering in Jallianwala Bagh, killing hundreds.
问题 2:甘地的 Satyagraha 的要点是什么?
Following are the characteristics of Gandhiji’s Satyagraha:
- It highlighted the importance of seeking truth and the power of truth.
- It implied that if the cause was right and the struggle was against injustice, then fighting the oppressor did not require physical force. The satyagrahi might win the conflict without being aggressive.
- Through satyagraha, one may overthrow an oppressor by appealing to one’s conscience. The oppressor must be forced to realize the truth.
- Gandhiji felt that via Satyagraha, truth will prevail in the end, and that this nonviolent dharma could unify all Indians.
问题 3:阿萨姆邦的种植园工人如何看待 swaraj 的概念?
The plantation laborer’s in Assam thought the following:
- In Assam, freedom meant the ability to freely enter and exit the limited room in which they were housed. Under Emigration Act of 1859, plantation employees couldn’t leave without permission.
- For plantation laborer, Swaraj meant maintaining a connection to the community from which they had come. When plantation employees learned of the non-cooperation movement, hundreds of them refused to follow there superiors and fled the farms.
- They thought Gandhiji Raj would arrive and everyone would be granted land in their own village. The plantation workers, on the other hand, never made it to their destination because they were apprehended by the police and mercilessly assaulted.
问题 4:khilafat 运动背后的动机是什么?
Muhammad Ali and Shaukat Ali founded this unified fighting movement. Gandhiji regarded this as a chance to unite all Muslims under a single national cause. During the aftermath of World War I, Muslims in British India formed the Khilafat movement, a pan-Islamic political protest campaign aimed at influencing the British government and protecting the Ottoman Empire. The collapse of Ottoman Turkey brought the First World War to a close. There was concern that the spiritual leader of the Islamic world (Khalifa) might lose his influence. A Khilafat committee was founded in Bombay in 1919 to preserve his rule. The leaders of the Palestine Liberation Organization exerted pressure on the British government to treat Turkey better.
问题 5:描述引起人们注意民族主义的文化过程。
Nationalism captivated people’s imagination through a range of cultural practices. History, fiction, folklore, music, popular prints, and symbols all contributed to the formation of nationalism
The image of Bharat Mata contributed to the creation of a national identity for the country. Devotion to this mother figure became regarded as proof of one’s patriotism. People grew to think that they were all part of the same nation and discovered a sense of collective belonging as a result of these cultural processes, which aided in the growth of nationalism.