📜  oracle grant select on schema - SQL (1)

📅  最后修改于: 2023-12-03 15:18:08.479000             🧑  作者: Mango

Oracle Grant Select on Schema - SQL

As a programmer working with Oracle databases, you may encounter the need to grant permissions to users or roles to access specific data in a schema. The GRANT SELECT command is used to provide read-only access to data in a specified schema.

GRANT SELECT ON schema_name.table_name TO user_name;

In this syntax, schema_name refers to the schema containing the table you want to grant access to, table_name is the name of the table to which you want to grant access, and user_name is the user or role to which you want to grant access.


Suppose you want to grant a select permission on a table employees in the schema hr to the user johndoe. You can use the following command:

GRANT SELECT ON hr.employees TO johndoe;
Granting Select to a Role

Instead of a user, you might want to grant permissions to a role. In that case, you can replace user_name with role_name in the syntax we saw earlier. Here's an example:

GRANT SELECT ON hr.departments TO hr_manager_role;

As a programmer working with Oracle database, you may need to grant select permission to users or roles, to access specific data in a schema. With the GRANT SELECT command, you can provide read-only access to data from a specified schema.