📜  Python中的受保护变量

📅  最后修改于: 2022-05-13 01:55:11.141000             🧑  作者: Mango


先决条件: Python中的下划线 (_)


受保护的变量是可以在类中访问的类的那些数据成员以及从该类派生的类。在Python中,不存在“公共”实例变量。但是,我们使用下划线“_”符号来确定类中数据成员的访问控制。任何以下划线为前缀的成员都应被视为 API 或任何Python代码的非公共部分,无论它是函数、方法还是数据成员。

示例 1:

# program to illustrate protected
# data members in a class 
# Defining a class
class Geek: 
    # protected data members 
    _name = "R2J"
    _roll = 1706256
    # public member function 
    def displayNameAndRoll(self): 
        # accessing protected data members 
        print("Name: ", self._name) 
        print("Roll: ", self._roll) 
# creating objects of the class         
obj = Geek() 
# calling public member 
# functions of the class 


Name:  R2J
Roll:  1706256

示例 2:继承期间

# program to illustrate protected
# data members in a class 
# super class 
class Shape: 
    # constructor 
    def __init__(self, length, breadth): 
        self._length = length
        self._breadth = breadth 
    # public member function 
    def displaySides(self): 
        # accessing protected data members 
        print("Length: ", self._length) 
        print("Breadth: ", self._breadth) 
# derived class 
class Rectangle(Shape): 
    # constructor 
    def __init__(self, length, breadth): 
        # Calling the constructor of
        # Super class
        Shape.__init__(self, length, breadth) 
    # public member function 
    def calculateArea(self): 
        # accessing protected data members of super class 
        print("Area: ", self._length * self._breadth) 
# creating objects of the 
# derived class         
obj = Rectangle(80, 50) 
# calling derived member 
# functions of the class
# calling public member
# functions of the class 


Length:  80
Breadth:  50
Area:  4000

在上面的示例中,超类Shape的受保护变量_length_breadth在类中通过成员函数displaySides()访问,并且可以从派生自Shape类的类Rectangle访问。 Rectangle类的成员函数calculateArea()访问超类Shape的受保护数据成员_length_breadth来计算矩形的面积。