在继续应用程序之前,您应该了解 Caesar Cipher Algorithm of Cryptography。如果您不知道,请使用密码学中的 Caesar Cipher 文章来了解它。
第 1 步:创建一个新项目
- 打开一个新项目。
- 我们将使用Java语言处理 Empty Activity。保持所有其他选项不变。
- 您可以在方便时更改项目的名称。
- 将有两个名为activity_main.xml 和 MainActivity 的默认文件。Java。
如果您不知道如何在 Android Studio 中创建新项目,那么您可以参考如何在 Android Studio 中创建/启动新项目?
第 2 步:使用 activity_main.xml 文件
- TextView – 显示输出(加密或解密的消息)。
- EditText – 接受输入(消息、密文和密钥)。
- 按钮 – 单击时加密或解密消息。
导航到app > res > layout > activity_main.xml并将以下代码添加到该文件中。
public class utility {
// Declaration of all the required variables
private static String alphabet = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ";
private static int index;
private static int updated_index;
private static int final_index;
private static int index_p_t_l;
private static int index_s_t_l;
private static String plainTxt;
private static String cipherTxt;
private static String finalTxt;
// code for encryption
public static String encrypt1(String plaintext, int encrptionKey) {
// plaintext is converted to uppercase
// so that it is easy to convert according
// to Caesar Cipher algorithm
plaintext = plaintext.toUpperCase();
// using a for loop the use index and
// change text with help of it
for (index = 0; index < plaintext.length(); index++) {
// checking the condition for plaintext to be
// null at some character position
if (plaintext.charAt(index) != ' ') {
index_p_t_l = alphabet.indexOf(plaintext.charAt(index));
// index is being updated
// so that next and final index
// be used for ciphertext
updated_index = encrptionKey + alphabet.indexOf(plaintext.charAt(index));
if (updated_index >= alphabet.length()) {
final_index = updated_index - alphabet.length();
} else
final_index = updated_index;
// substring is used so that every character
// can be separately converted to ciphertext
cipherTxt = alphabet.substring(final_index, final_index + 1);
finalTxt = finalTxt + cipherTxt;
// returning the
// final changed text
return finalTxt;
// code for decryption
public static String decrypt1(String ciphertext, int decryptionKey) {
ciphertext = ciphertext.toUpperCase();
// using a for loop the use index and
// change text with help of it
for (index = 0; index < ciphertext.length(); index++) {
if (ciphertext.charAt(index) != ' ') {
index_p_t_l = alphabet.indexOf(ciphertext.charAt(index));
index_s_t_l = index_p_t_l;
// index is updated with help of decryption
// key which we provided as input
updated_index = alphabet.indexOf(ciphertext.charAt(index)) - decryptionKey;
if (updated_index < 0) {
final_index = updated_index + alphabet.length();
} else
final_index = updated_index;
// reverse of encryption is done as
// substring here is used to convert
// each ciphertext character to plaintext
plainTxt = alphabet.substring(final_index, final_index + 1);
finalTxt += plainTxt;
// returning the
// final changed text
return finalTxt;
// method to reset the text
// in the output textview
private static void reset() {
finalTxt = "";
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.view.View;
import android.widget.Button;
import android.widget.EditText;
import android.widget.TextView;
import androidx.appcompat.app.AppCompatActivity;
public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity {
// declaring all essential variables
private Button encrypt, decrypt;
private EditText message, cipher, key;
private TextView screen_output;
private static final String alphabetString = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz";
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
// findViewById is the method that
// finds the View by the ID it is given
encrypt = findViewById(R.id.btnencrypt);
decrypt = findViewById(R.id.btndecrypt);
screen_output = findViewById(R.id.tV1);
message = findViewById(R.id.inputMessage);
cipher = findViewById(R.id.ciphEdt);
key = findViewById(R.id.key_dt);
// setting onCLickLister on encrypt button
encrypt.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(View view) {
encrypt12(message.getText().toString(), Integer.parseInt(key.getText().toString()));
// setting onCLickLister on decrypt button
decrypt.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(View view) {
decrypt12(cipher.getText().toString(), Integer.parseInt(key.getText().toString()));
// method to show the final output on the output
// textView when decrypt button is clicked
public void decrypt12(String cipher, int key) {
screen_output.setText((utility.decrypt1(cipher, key).toLowerCase()));
// method to show the final output on the output
// textView when encrypt button is clicked
public String encrypt12(String message, int shiftkey) {
message = message.toLowerCase();
String cipherText = "";
for (int i = 0; i < message.length(); i++) {
int charPosition = alphabetString.indexOf(message.charAt(i));
int keyval = (shiftkey + charPosition) % 26;
char replaceVAL = alphabetString.charAt(keyval);
cipherText += replaceVAL;
// returning the final ciphertext
return cipherText;
执行上述代码后,activity_main.xml 文件的设计是这样的。
第 3 步:创建一个新的Java类
创建一个新的Java类,如下所示,并将其命名为“ utility ”。
第 4 步:使用实用程序。 Java文件
public class utility {
// Declaration of all the required variables
private static String alphabet = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ";
private static int index;
private static int updated_index;
private static int final_index;
private static int index_p_t_l;
private static int index_s_t_l;
private static String plainTxt;
private static String cipherTxt;
private static String finalTxt;
// code for encryption
public static String encrypt1(String plaintext, int encrptionKey) {
// plaintext is converted to uppercase
// so that it is easy to convert according
// to Caesar Cipher algorithm
plaintext = plaintext.toUpperCase();
// using a for loop the use index and
// change text with help of it
for (index = 0; index < plaintext.length(); index++) {
// checking the condition for plaintext to be
// null at some character position
if (plaintext.charAt(index) != ' ') {
index_p_t_l = alphabet.indexOf(plaintext.charAt(index));
// index is being updated
// so that next and final index
// be used for ciphertext
updated_index = encrptionKey + alphabet.indexOf(plaintext.charAt(index));
if (updated_index >= alphabet.length()) {
final_index = updated_index - alphabet.length();
} else
final_index = updated_index;
// substring is used so that every character
// can be separately converted to ciphertext
cipherTxt = alphabet.substring(final_index, final_index + 1);
finalTxt = finalTxt + cipherTxt;
// returning the
// final changed text
return finalTxt;
// code for decryption
public static String decrypt1(String ciphertext, int decryptionKey) {
ciphertext = ciphertext.toUpperCase();
// using a for loop the use index and
// change text with help of it
for (index = 0; index < ciphertext.length(); index++) {
if (ciphertext.charAt(index) != ' ') {
index_p_t_l = alphabet.indexOf(ciphertext.charAt(index));
index_s_t_l = index_p_t_l;
// index is updated with help of decryption
// key which we provided as input
updated_index = alphabet.indexOf(ciphertext.charAt(index)) - decryptionKey;
if (updated_index < 0) {
final_index = updated_index + alphabet.length();
} else
final_index = updated_index;
// reverse of encryption is done as
// substring here is used to convert
// each ciphertext character to plaintext
plainTxt = alphabet.substring(final_index, final_index + 1);
finalTxt += plainTxt;
// returning the
// final changed text
return finalTxt;
// method to reset the text
// in the output textview
private static void reset() {
finalTxt = "";
第 5 步:使用 MainActivity。 Java文件
在主活动中。加密和解密按钮上使用的是Java文件onClickListerner,工具类中的方法直接传递在这里。在MainActivity 中使用以下代码。 Java文件。
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.view.View;
import android.widget.Button;
import android.widget.EditText;
import android.widget.TextView;
import androidx.appcompat.app.AppCompatActivity;
public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity {
// declaring all essential variables
private Button encrypt, decrypt;
private EditText message, cipher, key;
private TextView screen_output;
private static final String alphabetString = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz";
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
// findViewById is the method that
// finds the View by the ID it is given
encrypt = findViewById(R.id.btnencrypt);
decrypt = findViewById(R.id.btndecrypt);
screen_output = findViewById(R.id.tV1);
message = findViewById(R.id.inputMessage);
cipher = findViewById(R.id.ciphEdt);
key = findViewById(R.id.key_dt);
// setting onCLickLister on encrypt button
encrypt.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(View view) {
encrypt12(message.getText().toString(), Integer.parseInt(key.getText().toString()));
// setting onCLickLister on decrypt button
decrypt.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(View view) {
decrypt12(cipher.getText().toString(), Integer.parseInt(key.getText().toString()));
// method to show the final output on the output
// textView when decrypt button is clicked
public void decrypt12(String cipher, int key) {
screen_output.setText((utility.decrypt1(cipher, key).toLowerCase()));
// method to show the final output on the output
// textView when encrypt button is clicked
public String encrypt12(String message, int shiftkey) {
message = message.toLowerCase();
String cipherText = "";
for (int i = 0; i < message.length(); i++) {
int charPosition = alphabetString.indexOf(message.charAt(i));
int keyval = (shiftkey + charPosition) % 26;
char replaceVAL = alphabetString.charAt(keyval);
cipherText += replaceVAL;
// returning the final ciphertext
return cipherText;
Note: Do not enter the key number more than 26 because we have used the Caesar Cipher Algorithm for 26 alphabets. The app may crash if the key is more than 26.
GitHub 链接: https : //github.com/Karan-Jangir/caesar_cipher_algorithm_crytography