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📜  在Powerpoint 2010中运行幻灯片放映

📅  最后修改于: 2020-11-19 05:51:56             🧑  作者: Mango

大多数PowerPoint演示文稿被创建为以幻灯片形式运行。有了PowerPoint 2010中所有可用的高级功能,毫不奇怪的是,该程序中还包含了许多与幻灯片放映相关的功能。这些功能中的大多数功能确实可以帮助您创建出色的幻灯片演示,而无需在每次细微更改后都反复浏览整个演示文稿。与幻灯片放映相关的功能归在“幻灯片放映”功能区下方。

Microsoft PowerPoint 2010

Section Menu Item Description
Start Slideshow From Beginning Starts slideshow from beginning
From Current Slide Starts slideshow from the current slide
Broadcast Slideshow Allows users to broadcast the slideshows using Microsoft’s PowerPoint Broadcast Service
Custom Slideshow Builds a custom slideshow by picking the slides you want to run
Set Up Set Up Slideshow Helps set up the slideshow including browser/ full screen display, show options with or without narration/ animation, pen and laser color during the slideshow and the slides to be presented during the show
Hide Slide Helps mark/ unmark the slide as hidden, so it is skipped or shown during the slideshow respectively
Rehearse Timing Allows users to rehearse the timing on each slide and the entire slideshow
Record Slideshow Records the slideshow including narration and animation
Slideshow Checkboxes Helps set or avoid the use of narrative audio and rehearsed timings during the show. Display media controls in the slideshow view
Monitors Resolution Defines resolution in slideshow view
Show Presentation on Picks the monitor to display the presentation one – in case of multiple monitors
Use Presenter View Run presentation in Presenter view rather than just slideshow view