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📜  使用 PyQt5 创建记事本 - Python

📅  最后修改于: 2022-05-13 01:54:55.309000             🧑  作者: Mango

使用 PyQt5 创建记事本 - Python

在本文中,我们将了解如何使用 PyQt5 创建记事本。
PyQt5是跨平台的 GUI 工具包,一组用于 Qt v5 的Python绑定。由于该库提供的工具和简单性,人们可以非常轻松地开发交互式桌面应用程序。
使用此命令安装 PyQt5:

pip install PyQt5


# importing required libraries
from PyQt5.QtGui import *
from PyQt5.QtWidgets import *
from PyQt5.QtCore import *
from PyQt5.QtPrintSupport import *
import os
import sys
# Creating main window class
class MainWindow(QMainWindow):
    # constructor
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super(MainWindow, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        # setting window geometry
        self.setGeometry(100, 100, 600, 400)
        # creating a layout
        layout = QVBoxLayout()
        # creating a QPlainTextEdit object
        self.editor = QPlainTextEdit()
        # setting font to the editor
        fixedfont = QFontDatabase.systemFont(QFontDatabase.FixedFont)
        # self.path holds the path of the currently open file.
        # If none, we haven't got a file open yet (or creating new).
        self.path = None
        # adding editor to the layout
        # creating a QWidget layout
        container = QWidget()
        # setting layout to the container
        # making container as central widget
        # creating a status bar object
        self.status = QStatusBar()
        # setting stats bar to the window
        # creating a file tool bar
        file_toolbar = QToolBar("File")
        # adding file tool bar to the window
        # creating a file menu
        file_menu = self.menuBar().addMenu("&File")
        # creating actions to add in the file menu
        # creating a open file action
        open_file_action = QAction("Open file", self)
        # setting status tip
        open_file_action.setStatusTip("Open file")
        # adding action to the open file
        # adding this to file menu
        # adding this to tool bar
        # similarly creating a save action
        save_file_action = QAction("Save", self)
        save_file_action.setStatusTip("Save current page")
        # similarly creating save action
        saveas_file_action = QAction("Save As", self)
        saveas_file_action.setStatusTip("Save current page to specified file")
        # for print action
        print_action = QAction("Print", self)
        print_action.setStatusTip("Print current page")
        # creating another tool bar for editing text
        edit_toolbar = QToolBar("Edit")
        # adding this tool bar to the main window
        # creating a edit menu bar
        edit_menu = self.menuBar().addMenu("&Edit")
        # adding actions to the tool bar and menu bar
        # undo action
        undo_action = QAction("Undo", self)
        # adding status tip
        undo_action.setStatusTip("Undo last change")
        # when triggered undo the editor
        # adding this to tool and menu bar
        # redo action
        redo_action = QAction("Redo", self)
        redo_action.setStatusTip("Redo last change")
        # when triggered redo the editor
        # adding this to menu and tool bar
        # cut action
        cut_action = QAction("Cut", self)
        cut_action.setStatusTip("Cut selected text")
        # when triggered cut the editor text
        # adding this to menu and tool bar
        # copy action
        copy_action = QAction("Copy", self)
        copy_action.setStatusTip("Copy selected text")
        # when triggered copy the editor text
        # adding this to menu and tool bar
        # paste action
        paste_action = QAction("Paste", self)
        paste_action.setStatusTip("Paste from clipboard")
        # when triggered paste the copied text
        # adding this to menu and tool bar
        # select all action
        select_action = QAction("Select all", self)
        select_action.setStatusTip("Select all text")
        # when this triggered select the whole text
        # adding this to menu and tool bar
        # wrap action
        wrap_action = QAction("Wrap text to window", self)
        wrap_action.setStatusTip("Check to wrap text to window")
        # making it checkable
        # making it checked
        # adding action
        # adding it to edit menu not to the tool bar
        # calling update title method
        # showing all the components
    # creating dialog critical method
    # to show errors
    def dialog_critical(self, s):
        # creating a QMessageBox object
        dlg = QMessageBox(self)
        # setting text to the dlg
        # setting icon to it
        # showing it
    # action called by file open action
    def file_open(self):
        # getting path and bool value
        path, _ = QFileDialog.getOpenFileName(self, "Open file", "",
                             "Text documents (*.txt);All files (*.*)")
        # if path is true
        if path:
            # try opening path
                with open(path, 'rU') as f:
                    # read the file
                    text = f.read()
            # if some error occured
            except Exception as e:
                # show error using critical method
            # else
                # update path value
                self.path = path
                # update the text
                # update the title
    # action called by file save action
    def file_save(self):
        # if there is no save path
        if self.path is None:
            # call save as method
            return self.file_saveas()
        # else call save to path method
    # action called by save as action
    def file_saveas(self):
        # opening path
        path, _ = QFileDialog.getSaveFileName(self, "Save file", "",
                             "Text documents (*.txt);All files (*.*)")
        # if dialog is cancelled i.e no path is selected
        if not path:
            # return this method
            # i.e no action performed
        # else call save to path method
    # save to path method
    def _save_to_path(self, path):
        # get the text
        text = self.editor.toPlainText()
        # try catch block
            # opening file to write
            with open(path, 'w') as f:
                # write text in the file
        # if error occurs
        except Exception as e:
            # show error using critical
        # else do this
            # change path
            self.path = path
            # update the title
    # action called by print
    def file_print(self):
        # creating a QPrintDialog
        dlg = QPrintDialog()
        # if executed
        if dlg.exec_():
            # print the text
    # update title method
    def update_title(self):
        # setting window title with prefix as file name
        # suffix aas PyQt5 Notepad
        self.setWindowTitle("%s - PyQt5 Notepad" %(os.path.basename(self.path)
                                                  if self.path else "Untitled"))
    # action called by edit toggle
    def edit_toggle_wrap(self):
        # chaining line wrap mode
        self.editor.setLineWrapMode(1 if self.editor.lineWrapMode() == 0 else 0 )
# drivers code
if __name__ == '__main__':
    # creating PyQt5 application
    app = QApplication(sys.argv)
    # setting application name
    # creating a main window object
    window = MainWindow()
    # loop

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