📜  使用 Tkinter 制作记事本

📅  最后修改于: 2022-05-13 01:54:59.726000             🧑  作者: Mango

使用 Tkinter 制作记事本

让我们看看如何使用 Tkinter 在Python中创建一个简单的记事本。这个记事本 GUI 将包含各种菜单,如文件和编辑,使用这些菜单可以完成保存文件、打开文件、编辑、剪切和粘贴等所有功能。

现在为了创建这个记事本, Python 3 和 Tkinter 应该已经安装在你的系统中。您可以根据系统要求下载合适的Python包。成功安装Python后,您需要安装 Tkinter(Python 的 GUI 包)。

使用此命令安装 Tkinter :

pip install python-tk

导入 Tkinter:

import tkinter
import os
from tkinter import *
# To get the space above for message
from tkinter.messagebox import *
# To get the dialog box to open when required
from tkinter.filedialog import *

# Add controls(widget)
self.__thisTextArea.grid(sticky = N + E + S + W)
# To open new file
self.__thisFileMenu.add_command(label = "New",
                                command = self.__newFile)
# To open a already existing file
self.__thisFileMenu.add_command(label = "Open",
                                command = self.__openFile)
# To save current file
self.__thisFileMenu.add_command(label = "Save",
                                command = self.__saveFile)
# To create a line in the dialog
# To terminate
self.__thisFileMenu.add_command(label = "Exit",
                                command = self.__quitApplication)
self.__thisMenuBar.add_cascade(label = "File",
                               menu = self.__thisFileMenu)
# To give a feature of cut
self.__thisEditMenu.add_command(label = "Cut",
                                command = self.__cut)
# To give a feature of copy
self.__thisEditMenu.add_command(label = "Copy",
                                command = self.__copy)
# To give a feature of paste
self.__thisEditMenu.add_command(label = "Paste",
                                command = self.__paste)
# To give a feature of editing
self.__thisMenuBar.add_cascade(label = "Edit",
                               menu = self.__thisEditMenu)
# To create a feature of description of the notepad
self.__thisHelpMenu.add_command(label = "About Notepad",
                                command = self.__showAbout)
self.__thisMenuBar.add_cascade(label = "Help",
                               menu = self.__thisHelpMenu)
self.__root.config(menu = self.__thisMenuBar)
self.__thisScrollBar.pack(side = RIGHT, fill = Y)
# Scrollbar will adjust automatically
# according to the content
self.__thisScrollBar.config(command = self.__thisTextArea.yview)
self.__thisTextArea.config(yscrollcommand = self.__thisScrollBar.set)

def __quitApplication(self):
    # exit()
def __showAbout(self):
    showinfo("Notepad", "Mrinal Verma")
def __openFile(self):
    self.__file = askopenfilename(defaultextension=".txt",
                                  filetypes=[("All Files","*.*"),
                                      ("Text Documents","*.txt")])
    if self.__file == "":
        # no file to open
        self.__file = None
        # try to open the file
        # set the window title
        self.__root.title(os.path.basename(self.__file) + " - Notepad")
        file = open(self.__file,"r")
def __newFile(self):
    self.__root.title("Untitled - Notepad")
    self.__file = None
def __saveFile(self):
    if self.__file == None:
        #save as new file
        self.__file = asksaveasfilename(initialfile='Untitled.txt',
                                        filetypes=[("All Files","*.*"),
                                            ("Text Documents","*.txt")])
        if self.__file == "":
            self.__file = None
            # try to save the file
            file = open(self.__file,"w")
            # change the window title
            self.__root.title(os.path.basename(self.__file) + " - Notepad")
        file = open(self.__file,"w")
def __cut(self):
def __copy(self):
def __paste(self):

import tkinter
import os   
from tkinter import *
from tkinter.messagebox import *
from tkinter.filedialog import *
class Notepad:
    __root = Tk()
    # default window width and height
    __thisWidth = 300
    __thisHeight = 300
    __thisTextArea = Text(__root)
    __thisMenuBar = Menu(__root)
    __thisFileMenu = Menu(__thisMenuBar, tearoff=0)
    __thisEditMenu = Menu(__thisMenuBar, tearoff=0)
    __thisHelpMenu = Menu(__thisMenuBar, tearoff=0)
    # To add scrollbar
    __thisScrollBar = Scrollbar(__thisTextArea)    
    __file = None
    def __init__(self,**kwargs):
        # Set icon
        # Set window size (the default is 300x300)
            self.__thisWidth = kwargs['width']
        except KeyError:
            self.__thisHeight = kwargs['height']
        except KeyError:
        # Set the window text
        self.__root.title("Untitled - Notepad")
        # Center the window
        screenWidth = self.__root.winfo_screenwidth()
        screenHeight = self.__root.winfo_screenheight()
        # For left-align
        left = (screenWidth / 2) - (self.__thisWidth / 2)
        # For right-align
        top = (screenHeight / 2) - (self.__thisHeight /2)
        # For top and bottom
        self.__root.geometry('%dx%d+%d+%d' % (self.__thisWidth,
                                              left, top))
        # To make the textarea auto resizable
        self.__root.grid_rowconfigure(0, weight=1)
        self.__root.grid_columnconfigure(0, weight=1)
        # Add controls (widget)
        self.__thisTextArea.grid(sticky = N + E + S + W)
        # To open new file
        # To open a already existing file
        # To save current file
        # To create a line in the dialog       
        # To give a feature of cut
        # to give a feature of copy   
        # To give a feature of paste
        # To give a feature of editing
        # To create a feature of description of the notepad
        self.__thisHelpMenu.add_command(label="About Notepad",
        # Scrollbar will adjust automatically according to the content       
    def __quitApplication(self):
        # exit()
    def __showAbout(self):
        showinfo("Notepad","Mrinal Verma")
    def __openFile(self):
        self.__file = askopenfilename(defaultextension=".txt",
                                      filetypes=[("All Files","*.*"),
                                        ("Text Documents","*.txt")])
        if self.__file == "":
            # no file to open
            self.__file = None
            # Try to open the file
            # set the window title
            self.__root.title(os.path.basename(self.__file) + " - Notepad")
            file = open(self.__file,"r")
    def __newFile(self):
        self.__root.title("Untitled - Notepad")
        self.__file = None
    def __saveFile(self):
        if self.__file == None:
            # Save as new file
            self.__file = asksaveasfilename(initialfile='Untitled.txt',
                                            filetypes=[("All Files","*.*"),
                                                ("Text Documents","*.txt")])
            if self.__file == "":
                self.__file = None
                # Try to save the file
                file = open(self.__file,"w")
                # Change the window title
                self.__root.title(os.path.basename(self.__file) + " - Notepad")
            file = open(self.__file,"w")
    def __cut(self):
    def __copy(self):
    def __paste(self):
    def run(self):
        # Run main application
# Run main application
notepad = Notepad(width=600,height=400)

注意: messagebox用于在名为记事本的白框中写入消息, filedialog用于在您从系统中的任何位置打开文件或将文件保存在特定位置或位置时出现的对话框。添加菜单:


# Add controls(widget)
self.__thisTextArea.grid(sticky = N + E + S + W)
# To open new file
self.__thisFileMenu.add_command(label = "New",
                                command = self.__newFile)
# To open a already existing file
self.__thisFileMenu.add_command(label = "Open",
                                command = self.__openFile)
# To save current file
self.__thisFileMenu.add_command(label = "Save",
                                command = self.__saveFile)
# To create a line in the dialog
# To terminate
self.__thisFileMenu.add_command(label = "Exit",
                                command = self.__quitApplication)
self.__thisMenuBar.add_cascade(label = "File",
                               menu = self.__thisFileMenu)
# To give a feature of cut
self.__thisEditMenu.add_command(label = "Cut",
                                command = self.__cut)
# To give a feature of copy
self.__thisEditMenu.add_command(label = "Copy",
                                command = self.__copy)
# To give a feature of paste
self.__thisEditMenu.add_command(label = "Paste",
                                command = self.__paste)
# To give a feature of editing
self.__thisMenuBar.add_cascade(label = "Edit",
                               menu = self.__thisEditMenu)
# To create a feature of description of the notepad
self.__thisHelpMenu.add_command(label = "About Notepad",
                                command = self.__showAbout)
self.__thisMenuBar.add_cascade(label = "Help",
                               menu = self.__thisHelpMenu)
self.__root.config(menu = self.__thisMenuBar)
self.__thisScrollBar.pack(side = RIGHT, fill = Y)
# Scrollbar will adjust automatically
# according to the content
self.__thisScrollBar.config(command = self.__thisTextArea.yview)
self.__thisTextArea.config(yscrollcommand = self.__thisScrollBar.set)



def __quitApplication(self):
    # exit()
def __showAbout(self):
    showinfo("Notepad", "Mrinal Verma")
def __openFile(self):
    self.__file = askopenfilename(defaultextension=".txt",
                                  filetypes=[("All Files","*.*"),
                                      ("Text Documents","*.txt")])
    if self.__file == "":
        # no file to open
        self.__file = None
        # try to open the file
        # set the window title
        self.__root.title(os.path.basename(self.__file) + " - Notepad")
        file = open(self.__file,"r")
def __newFile(self):
    self.__root.title("Untitled - Notepad")
    self.__file = None
def __saveFile(self):
    if self.__file == None:
        #save as new file
        self.__file = asksaveasfilename(initialfile='Untitled.txt',
                                        filetypes=[("All Files","*.*"),
                                            ("Text Documents","*.txt")])
        if self.__file == "":
            self.__file = None
            # try to save the file
            file = open(self.__file,"w")
            # change the window title
            self.__root.title(os.path.basename(self.__file) + " - Notepad")
        file = open(self.__file,"w")
def __cut(self):
def __copy(self):
def __paste(self):




import tkinter
import os   
from tkinter import *
from tkinter.messagebox import *
from tkinter.filedialog import *
class Notepad:
    __root = Tk()
    # default window width and height
    __thisWidth = 300
    __thisHeight = 300
    __thisTextArea = Text(__root)
    __thisMenuBar = Menu(__root)
    __thisFileMenu = Menu(__thisMenuBar, tearoff=0)
    __thisEditMenu = Menu(__thisMenuBar, tearoff=0)
    __thisHelpMenu = Menu(__thisMenuBar, tearoff=0)
    # To add scrollbar
    __thisScrollBar = Scrollbar(__thisTextArea)    
    __file = None
    def __init__(self,**kwargs):
        # Set icon
        # Set window size (the default is 300x300)
            self.__thisWidth = kwargs['width']
        except KeyError:
            self.__thisHeight = kwargs['height']
        except KeyError:
        # Set the window text
        self.__root.title("Untitled - Notepad")
        # Center the window
        screenWidth = self.__root.winfo_screenwidth()
        screenHeight = self.__root.winfo_screenheight()
        # For left-align
        left = (screenWidth / 2) - (self.__thisWidth / 2)
        # For right-align
        top = (screenHeight / 2) - (self.__thisHeight /2)
        # For top and bottom
        self.__root.geometry('%dx%d+%d+%d' % (self.__thisWidth,
                                              left, top))
        # To make the textarea auto resizable
        self.__root.grid_rowconfigure(0, weight=1)
        self.__root.grid_columnconfigure(0, weight=1)
        # Add controls (widget)
        self.__thisTextArea.grid(sticky = N + E + S + W)
        # To open new file
        # To open a already existing file
        # To save current file
        # To create a line in the dialog       
        # To give a feature of cut
        # to give a feature of copy   
        # To give a feature of paste
        # To give a feature of editing
        # To create a feature of description of the notepad
        self.__thisHelpMenu.add_command(label="About Notepad",
        # Scrollbar will adjust automatically according to the content       
    def __quitApplication(self):
        # exit()
    def __showAbout(self):
        showinfo("Notepad","Mrinal Verma")
    def __openFile(self):
        self.__file = askopenfilename(defaultextension=".txt",
                                      filetypes=[("All Files","*.*"),
                                        ("Text Documents","*.txt")])
        if self.__file == "":
            # no file to open
            self.__file = None
            # Try to open the file
            # set the window title
            self.__root.title(os.path.basename(self.__file) + " - Notepad")
            file = open(self.__file,"r")
    def __newFile(self):
        self.__root.title("Untitled - Notepad")
        self.__file = None
    def __saveFile(self):
        if self.__file == None:
            # Save as new file
            self.__file = asksaveasfilename(initialfile='Untitled.txt',
                                            filetypes=[("All Files","*.*"),
                                                ("Text Documents","*.txt")])
            if self.__file == "":
                self.__file = None
                # Try to save the file
                file = open(self.__file,"w")
                # Change the window title
                self.__root.title(os.path.basename(self.__file) + " - Notepad")
            file = open(self.__file,"w")
    def __cut(self):
    def __copy(self):
    def __paste(self):
    def run(self):
        # Run main application
# Run main application
notepad = Notepad(width=600,height=400)

要运行此代码,请以扩展名.py保存它,然后打开 cmd(命令提示符)并移动到保存文件的位置,然后编写以下内容

python "filename".py 
