📜  ipcrenderer index.html - Javascript (1)

📅  最后修改于: 2023-12-03 15:01:26.646000             🧑  作者: Mango

IPCRenderer index.html - Javascript


The ipcRenderer module provides a mechanism for communicating asynchronously between the main process and renderer processes in Electron. It allows you to send and receive messages between processes and execute code on both sides of the communication.

The ipcRenderer module is available in the renderer process and should be required before it can be used. It is used to communicate with the main process to perform various operations, such as reading and writing files, displaying dialogs, and creating new windows.

This introduction will cover how to use the ipcRenderer module in your Javascript code to communicate between the renderer and main processes in Electron.


The ipcRenderer module is included in the Electron API and does not require any additional installation.


To use the ipcRenderer module, you must first require it in your Javascript code:

const { ipcRenderer } = require('electron')

Once the ipcRenderer module is required, you can start sending and receiving messages between the renderer and main processes.

Sending messages

To send a message from the renderer process to the main process, use the send method:

ipcRenderer.send('message-channel', 'message-data')

This sends a message with the data 'message-data' on the 'message-channel' channel to the main process. The channel name can be any string, but it is recommended to use a unique name. The data can be any JSON-serializable value.

Receiving messages

To receive a message in the renderer process from the main process, use the on method to listen for messages on a specific channel:

ipcRenderer.on('message-channel', (event, data) => {
  // handle the received message data

This listens for messages on the 'message-channel' channel and executes the provided callback function when a message is received. The event parameter contains information about the event, such as the channel name, and the data parameter is the received message data.

Sending and receiving synchronous messages

In addition to sending and receiving asynchronous messages, the ipcRenderer module also supports synchronous messaging using the sendSync and invoke methods.

// Send a synchronous message
const result = ipcRenderer.sendSync('message-channel', 'message-data')

// Receive a synchronous message
const result = ipcRenderer.invoke('message-channel', 'message-data')

The sendSync method sends a synchronous message and returns the result immediately. The invoke method sends a synchronous message and returns a Promise that will resolve with the result.


The ipcRenderer module is a powerful tool for communicating between the renderer and main processes in Electron. It allows you to send and receive messages asynchronously and synchronously, and execute code on both sides of the communication.

By mastering the ipcRenderer module, you can create more complex Electron applications with rich, interactive features.