📜  珀尔 |标量

📅  最后修改于: 2022-05-13 01:55:46.463000             🧑  作者: Mango

珀尔 |标量

例子 :

# Perl program to demonstrate
# scalars variables
# a string scalar
$name = "Alex";
# Integer Scalar
$rollno = 13;
# a floating point scalar
$percentage = 87.65;
# to display the result
print "Name = $name\n";
print "Roll number = $rollno\n";
print "Percentage = $percentage\n";

# Perl program to demonstrate various types
# of numerical scalar variables
# Positive integer numerical
# scalar variables
$intpositive = 25;
# Negative integer numerical
# scalar variables
$intnegative = -73;
# Floating point numerical
# scalar variables
$float = 23.5;
# In hexadecimal form
$hexadec = 0xcd;
# to display the result
print "Positive Integer = $intpositive\n";
print "Negative Integer = $intnegative\n";
print "Floating Point = $float\n";
print "Hexadecimal Form = $hexadec\n";

# Perl program to demonstrate various types
# of string scalar variables
# String scalar
$alphastring = "GeeksforGeeks";
$numericstring = "17";
$alphanumeric = "gfg21";
#special character in string scalar
$specialstring = "^gfg";
# in single quotes
$singlequt = 'Hello Geeks';
# To display the result
print "String with alphabets = $alphastring\n";
print "String with numeric values = $numericstring\n";
print "String with alphanumeric values = $alphanumeric\n";
print "String within Single quotes = $singlequt\n";
print "String with special characters = $specialstring\n";

输出 :

Name = Alex
Roll number = 13
Percentage = 87.65


数值标量变量包含整数、整数(正数和负数)、浮点数(包含小数点)等值。下面的例子演示了 perl 中不同类型的数值标量变量。
例子 :


# Perl program to demonstrate various types
# of numerical scalar variables
# Positive integer numerical
# scalar variables
$intpositive = 25;
# Negative integer numerical
# scalar variables
$intnegative = -73;
# Floating point numerical
# scalar variables
$float = 23.5;
# In hexadecimal form
$hexadec = 0xcd;
# to display the result
print "Positive Integer = $intpositive\n";
print "Negative Integer = $intnegative\n";
print "Floating Point = $float\n";
print "Hexadecimal Form = $hexadec\n";

输出 :

Positive Integer = 25
Negative Integer = -73
Floating Point = 23.5
Hexadecimal Form = 205


例子 :


# Perl program to demonstrate various types
# of string scalar variables
# String scalar
$alphastring = "GeeksforGeeks";
$numericstring = "17";
$alphanumeric = "gfg21";
#special character in string scalar
$specialstring = "^gfg";
# in single quotes
$singlequt = 'Hello Geeks';
# To display the result
print "String with alphabets = $alphastring\n";
print "String with numeric values = $numericstring\n";
print "String with alphanumeric values = $alphanumeric\n";
print "String within Single quotes = $singlequt\n";
print "String with special characters = $specialstring\n";

输出 :

String with alphabets = GeeksforGeeks
String with numeric values = 17
String with alphanumeric values = gfg21
String within Single quotes = Hello Geeks
String with special characters = ^gfg