📜  在Python中查找列表的平均值

📅  最后修改于: 2022-05-13 01:55:21.949000             🧑  作者: Mango


先决条件:sum()函数、len()函数、round()函数、reduce()、lambda 和 mean()。



Input : [4, 5, 1, 2, 9, 7, 10, 8]
Output : Average of the list = 5.75
Sum of the elements is 4+5+1+2+9+7+10+8 = 46
and total number of elements is 8.
So average is 46 / 8 = 5.75

Input : [15, 9, 55, 41, 35, 20, 62, 49]
Output : Average of the list = 35.75
Sum of the elements is 15+9+55+41+35+20+62+49 = 286
and total number of elements is 8.
So average is 46 / 8 = 35.75



  • sum() :使用 sum()函数我们可以得到列表的总和。
  • len() : len()函数用于获取列表中元素的长度或数量。
# Python program to get average of a list
def Average(lst):
    return sum(lst) / len(lst)
# Driver Code
lst = [15, 9, 55, 41, 35, 20, 62, 49]
average = Average(lst)
# Printing average of the list
print("Average of the list =", round(average, 2))


Average of the list = 35.75
使用 reduce() 和 lambda

我们可以使用 reduce() 来减少循环,并且通过使用 lambda函数可以计算列表的总和。如上所述,我们使用 len() 来计算长度。

# Python program to get average of a list
# Using reduce() and lambda 
# importing reduce()
from functools import reduce
def Average(lst):
    return reduce(lambda a, b: a + b, lst) / len(lst)
# Driver Code
lst = [15, 9, 55, 41, 35, 20, 62, 49]
average = Average(lst)
# Printing average of the list
print("Average of the list =", round(average, 2))


Average of the list = 35.75


内置函数mean() 可用于计算列表的均值(平均值)。

# Python program to get average of a list
# Using mean()
# importing mean()
from statistics import mean
def Average(lst):
    return mean(lst)
# Driver Code
lst = [15, 9, 55, 41, 35, 20, 62, 49]
average = Average(lst)
# Printing average of the list
print("Average of the list =", round(average, 2))


Average of the list = 35.75