📜  Scala中的二进制搜索

📅  最后修改于: 2022-05-13 01:55:11.861000             🧑  作者: Mango


Binary Search 是一种算法,可以帮助我们在 O(log n) 时间内找到排序数组中的元素。它的算法工作在分而治之的原则上,只有在对可用数据进行排序时才有效。

  1. 如果中间元素是要搜索的元素,我们返回中间元素的索引。
  2. 如果中间元素小于要查找的元素,我们以同样的方式在右边的子数组(Mid to End)中查找(获取新的中间元素并再次检查所有三种情况)。我们在右子数组中搜索,因为数据已排序,因此中间元素之前的所有元素也将小于或等于中间元素。
  3. 如果中间元素大于要搜索的元素,我们在左边的子数组中搜索(Start to Mid)。



在 Scala 中执行二分搜索有三种方法。


在递归方法中,我们递归地调用具有更新的 start 和 end 值的二进制搜索算法,直到我们将中间元素与要搜索的元素匹配或数组大小减小到零。下面是 Scala 中二分搜索的递归方法的代码。

// Scala code for Recursive Binary Search
// Creating object
object GFG{
// Creating a recursive  Binary Search function
def RecursiveBinarySearch(arr: Array[Int],
                          Element_to_Search: Int)
                         (low: Int = 0,
                          high: Int = arr.length - 1): Int = 
    // If element not found                               
    if (low > high) 
        return -1
    // Getting the middle element
    var middle = low + (high - low) / 2
    // If element found
    if (arr(middle) == Element_to_Search)
        return middle
    // Searching in the left half
    else if (arr(middle) > Element_to_Search)
        return RecursiveBinarySearch(arr, 
               Element_to_Search)(low, middle - 1)
    // Searching in the right half
        return RecursiveBinarySearch(arr, 
               Element_to_Search)(middle + 1, high)
// Creating main function
def main(args: Array[String]){
    // Calling the binary search function and
    // storing its result in index variable
    var index = RecursiveBinarySearch(Array(1, 2, 3, 4, 55, 
                                            65, 75), 4)(0, 6);
    // If value not found 
    if(index == -1)
       print("Not Found")
    // Else print the index where 
    // the value is found
       print("Element found at Index " + index)


Element found at Index 3


在迭代方法中,我们运行一个 while 循环,直到我们找到要搜索的元素或数组大小减小到零。下面是 Scala 中二进制搜索的迭代方法的代码。

// Scala code for Iterative Binary Search
// Creating object
object GFG{
// Creating Binary Search function
// Accepting the passed array and 
// element to be searched
def IterativeBinarySearch(arr: Array[Int], 
                          Element_to_Search: Int): Int =
    // Creating start variable to
    // point to the first value
    var low = 0
    // Creating end variable to 
    // point to the last value
    var high = arr.length - 1
    // Finding the value in the 
    // array iteratively
    while (low <= high)
        // Getting middle element    
        var middle = low + (high - low) / 2
        // If element found in the middle index
        if (arr(middle) == Element_to_Search)
            return middle
        // Searching in the first half
        else if (arr(middle) > Element_to_Search)
            high = middle - 1
        // Searching in the second half  
            low = middle + 1
    // If value not found in the 
    // entire array , return -1 
// Creating main function
def main(args: Array[String])
    // Calling the binary search function and
    // storing its result in index variable
    var index = IterativeBinarySearch(Array(1, 2, 3, 4, 55,
                                            65, 75), 65);
    // If value not found 
    if(index == -1)
       print("Not Found")
    // Else print the index where 
    // the value is found
       print("Element found at Index " + index)


Element found at Index 5



// Scala code for Iterative Binary Search
// Creating object
object GFG{
// Using the functional programming approach
def FunctionalBinarySearch(arr: Array[Int], 
                           Element_to_Search: Int): Int =
    def BinarySearch(arr: Array[Int],
                     Element_to_Search: Int, 
                     low: Int, high: Int): Int =
        // If element not found
        if (low > high)
            return -1
        // Getting middle index
        var middle = low + (high - low) / 2
        // Pattern matching
        arr match
            // If element found , return the index
            case(arr:Array[Int]) if (arr(middle) ==
                                     Element_to_Search) => 
            // Call the function for the second half
            case(arr:Array[Int]) if (arr(middle) < 
                                     Element_to_Search) => 
                                     middle + 1, high)
            // Call the function for the first half 
            case(arr:Array[Int]) if (arr(middle) > 
                                     Element_to_Search) => 
                                     low, middle - 1)
    // Calling the Binary Search function
    BinarySearch(arr, Element_to_Search, 0, arr.length - 1)
// Creating main function
def main(args: Array[String]){
    // Calling the binary search function and 
    // storing its result in index variable
    var index = FunctionalBinarySearch(Array(1, 2, 3, 4, 55,
                                             65, 75), 44);
    // If value not found 
    if(index == -1)
    print("Element not found")
    // Else print the index where 
    // the value is found
    print("Element found at Index " + index)


Element not found