📜  如何使用Python构建随机故事生成器?

📅  最后修改于: 2022-05-13 01:55:17.807000             🧑  作者: Mango




  • 我们将首先将故事的元素放在不同的列表中。
  • 然后我们将使用随机模块选择不同列表中收集的故事的随机部分。
  • 然后将它们连接起来以形成一个故事。

我们将使用 random.choice()函数。在开始之前,让我们看一个关于 random.choice() 如何工作的例子。

import random
# list of books is stored in the list -'books'
books = ['Mother', 'Midnight Children', 'My experiments with truth']
# An item from the list 'books' is selected
# by random.choice()

# Importing random module
import random

# Defining list of phrases which will help to build a story
Sentence_starter = ['About 100 years ago', ' In the 20 BC', 'Once upon a time']
character = [' there lived a king.',' there was a man named Jack.',
             ' there lived a farmer.']
time = [' One day', ' One full-moon night']
story_plot = [' he was passing by', ' he was going for a picnic to ']
place = [' the mountains', ' the garden']
second_character = [' he saw a man', ' he saw a young lady']
age = [' who seemed to be in late 20s', ' who seemed very old and feeble']
work = [' searching something.', ' digging a well on roadside.']

# Selecting an item from each list and concatenating them.

# Importing random module
import random
# Defining list of phrases which will help to build a story
Sentence_starter = ['About 100 years ago', ' In the 20 BC', 'Once upon a time']
character = [' there lived a king.',' there was a man named Jack.',
             ' there lived a farmer.']
time = [' One day', ' One full-moon night']
story_plot = [' he was passing by',' he was going for a picnic to ']
place = [' the mountains', ' the garden']
second_character = [' he saw a man', ' he saw a young lady']
age = [' who seemed to be in late 20s', ' who seemed very old and feeble']
work = [' searching something.', ' digging a well on roadside.']
# Selecting an item from each list and concatenating them.
      random.choice(time)+random.choice(story_plot) +

Midnight Children



1.导入 random 模块,因为它是Python的内置模块。因此,无需手动安装。


# Importing random module
import random


  • Sentence_starter – 此列表提供了有关事件时间的概念。
  • 字符-此列表讲述这个故事的字符。
  • 时间 - 此列表定义了发生某些事件的确切日期。
  • story_plot——这个列表定义了故事的情节。
  • 地点 - 此列表定义了事件发生的地点。
  • second_character – 此列表定义了故事的第二个字符。
  • age – 此列表定义了第二个字符的年龄。
  • 工作——这个列表讲述了第二个字符正在做的工作。


# Defining list of phrases which will help to build a story
Sentence_starter = ['About 100 years ago', ' In the 20 BC', 'Once upon a time']
character = [' there lived a king.',' there was a man named Jack.',
             ' there lived a farmer.']
time = [' One day', ' One full-moon night']
story_plot = [' he was passing by', ' he was going for a picnic to ']
place = [' the mountains', ' the garden']
second_character = [' he saw a man', ' he saw a young lady']
age = [' who seemed to be in late 20s', ' who seemed very old and feeble']
work = [' searching something.', ' digging a well on roadside.']

3. 在 random.choice() 的帮助下,从每个列表中选择一个项目并连接所选项目以生成故事的句子。


# Selecting an item from each list and concatenating them.




# Importing random module
import random
# Defining list of phrases which will help to build a story
Sentence_starter = ['About 100 years ago', ' In the 20 BC', 'Once upon a time']
character = [' there lived a king.',' there was a man named Jack.',
             ' there lived a farmer.']
time = [' One day', ' One full-moon night']
story_plot = [' he was passing by',' he was going for a picnic to ']
place = [' the mountains', ' the garden']
second_character = [' he saw a man', ' he saw a young lady']
age = [' who seemed to be in late 20s', ' who seemed very old and feeble']
work = [' searching something.', ' digging a well on roadside.']
# Selecting an item from each list and concatenating them.
      random.choice(time)+random.choice(story_plot) +

