📜  Jenkins vs Bamboo

📅  最后修改于: 2021-01-04 03:03:24             🧑  作者: Mango





Jenkins是使用Java编程语言编写的最受欢迎的开源自动化服务器。它促进了软件开发过程中持续集成和持续交付(CI / CD)的自动化过程。




  • 开源免费
  • 广泛使用并有据可查
  • 充满活力的用户社区
  • 与多种工具和技术集成。
  • 插件支持

Bamboo是Atlassian的CI和CD服务器。与Jenkins一样,Bamboo允许开发人员自动构建,集成和测试源代码,然后为部署做好准备。 Bamboo还可以轻松地与Atlassian的其他工具(如Jira(项目管理)和Hipchat(团队沟通))一起工作。



  • 下注JIRA整合
  • 灵活的CI和CD管道
  • 一流的部署支持
  • 分支机构的无痛CI
  • 自动合并
  • 从詹金斯快速导入
  • 传奇的支持和资源
  • 强大的构建代理管理
  • 即时定制



Jenkins Bamboo
Jenkins is open-source. Bamboo is not open-source.
Jenkins is free. The price of Bamboo is changed depending on the number of build agents required.
We can install Jenkins on Windows, Ubuntu/Debian, RedHat, Fedora, CentOS, FreeBSD, OpenBSD, Mac OS X, OpenSUSE, Gentoo. Bamboo can be installed on Microsoft Windows, Solaris, Linux, MacOS/OSX, and others.
Jenkins can support databases like SQL Server, SQLite, MySQL, PostgreSQL, and H2 database. Bamboo supports MySQL, SQL Server, PostgreSQL, Oracle 12c H2 database.
Jenkins supports browsers like Chrome, Firefox, and Internet Explorer. Bamboo supports Firefox, Chrome, Edge, and Safari.
Jenkins supports a lot of plugins. Bamboo does not support many plugins as compared to Jenkins.
Being open-source, Jenkins has a lot of support from communities. Bamboo has not much support as compared to Jenkins.
Jenkins supports CVS and Subversion, built-in support for Git, and also integrates with a large number of other version control systems by plugins. It supports Git, CVS, Perforce, Mercurial, and Subversion.
Jenkins features 127 plugins just for reporting purposes. That’s almost as much as Bamboo can offer in total reporting plugins.
With Jenkins, we can use HTML publisher plugin for publishing HTML report. With Bamboo, we can create a new shared Artifact, for publishing HTML report.
With the help of Jenkins plugins, we can do the Unit Test. In Bamboo also, we can run a Unit Test with the help of plugins.
In Jenkins, there is no option for Built-in deployment projects. Bamboo has built-in deployment projects functionality.
In Jenkins, there is no built-in functionality for branch management. But we can achieve branching using plugins like Multi-Branch Project, and others. Bamboo does a great job with branches; it has built-in support for branching.