📜  c vs c++ (1)

📅  最后修改于: 2023-12-03 14:39:39.881000             🧑  作者: Mango

C vs C++


C and C++ are two popular programming languages widely used in the software development industry. They share similarities and differences in terms of syntax, features, and application domains. This article aims to provide a comprehensive comparison between C and C++ to help programmers make informed decisions when choosing a programming language for their projects.


C and C++ have similar syntax roots as C++ is an extension of the C programming language. Both languages use curly braces to define blocks of code and have similar control flow constructs like if-else statements, loops, and switch cases.

C Syntax Example

int main() {
   int num = 10;
   if(num > 0) {
      printf("Number is positive");
   else {
      printf("Number is non-positive");
   return 0;
C++ Syntax Example

int main() {
   int num = 10;
   if(num > 0) {
      std::cout << "Number is positive";
   else {
      std::cout << "Number is non-positive";
   return 0;
Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) Features

One of the major differences between C and C++ is their support for object-oriented programming (OOP) features. C++ is an object-oriented language, while C is procedural. In C++, you can define classes, objects, inheritance, polymorphism, and encapsulation. These features make C++ suitable for building complex applications.

C++ Object-Oriented Example

class Shape {
   virtual double calculateArea() = 0;

class Rectangle : public Shape {
   double length;
   double width;
   Rectangle(double l, double w) {
      length = l;
      width = w;
   double calculateArea() {
      return length * width;

int main() {
   Shape* shape = new Rectangle(5, 3);
   std::cout << "Area of Rectangle: " << shape->calculateArea();
   return 0;
Standard Libraries

Both C and C++ have extensive standard libraries that provide ready-to-use functions and data structures. However, C++ standard library (Standard Template Library or STL) offers additional functionalities like containers, algorithms, and iterators, making it more powerful and convenient for certain tasks.

Using the C Standard Library

int main() {
   char str[] = "Hello World";
   printf("String Length: %d", strlen(str));
   return 0;
Using the C++ Standard Library

int main() {
   std::string str = "Hello World";
   std::cout << "String Length: " << str.length();
   return 0;
Memory Management

C and C++ differ in their memory management approach. C provides manual memory management, where the programmer is responsible for allocating and deallocating memory using functions like malloc() and free(). C++, on the other hand, supports automatic memory management through constructors and destructors. It also provides additional memory management features like smart pointers.

Memory Management in C

int main() {
   int* arr = (int*)malloc(5 * sizeof(int));
   return 0;
Memory Management in C++

int main() {
   std::unique_ptr<int[]> arr(new int[5]);
   return 0;

C and C++ are powerful programming languages with their own strengths and areas of application. C is a procedural language with a simple syntax, suitable for system programming and embedded systems. C++ extends C with additional features like OOP, the STL, and automatic memory management, making it ideal for large-scale software development. The choice between C and C++ depends on the project requirements, developer preferences, and compatibility with existing codebases.