📅  最后修改于: 2021-01-06 05:27:09             🧑  作者: Mango
Operators | Description |
First | It returns the first element in sequence or from the collection based on the condition. |
FirstOrDefault | It is the same as First, but it returns the default value in case when no element is found in the collection. |
Last | It returns the last element in sequence or the last element based on the matching criteria. |
ElementAt | It returns an element from the list based on the specific index position. |
ElementAtOrDefault | It is the same as ElementAt, but it returns the default value in case if no element is present at the specified index of the collection. |
Single | It returns the single specific element from the collection. |
SingleOrDefault | It is the same as Single, but it returns the default value in case if no element is found in the collection. |
DefaultfEmpty | It returns the default value in case if the list or collection contains empty or null values. |