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📜  Python|从元组列表中查找前 K 个频繁元素

📅  最后修改于: 2022-05-13 01:54:39.933000             🧑  作者: Mango

Python|从元组列表中查找前 K 个频繁元素



方法 #1:使用defaultdict

# Python code to find top 'k' frequent element
# Importing
import collections
from operator import itemgetter
from itertools import chain
# Input list initialization
Input =[[('Name', 151)], [('ACe', 400)],
        [('TURN', 210)], [('RED', 1113)],
        [('YELLOW', 1)]]
# K initialization
K = 3
# Using defaultdict to  find top 'k' frequent element
dict_ = collections.defaultdict(list)
new_list = list(chain.from_iterable(Input))
for elem in new_list:
res = {k: sum(v) for k, v in dict_.items()}
# Using sorted
Output = sorted(res.items(), key = itemgetter(1),
                             reverse = True)[0:K]
# printing output
print("Initial List of tuple is", Input)
print("\nTop 'K' elements are", Output)

方法 #2:使用itertoolssorted

# Python code to find top 'k' frequent element
from operator import itemgetter
from itertools import chain
# Input list initialization
Input =[[('Name', 151)], [('ACe', 400)],
        [('TURN', 210)], [('RED', 1113)],
        [('YELLOW', 1)]]
# k initialization
K = 3
# Finding top 'k' frequent element 
# without using collection
Output = sorted(list(chain.from_iterable(Input)),
        key = itemgetter(1), reverse = True)[0:K]
# Printing Output
print("Initial List of tuple is", Input)
print("\nTop 'K' elements are", Output)