📜  C++ strtoll()

📅  最后修改于: 2020-09-25 09:00:41             🧑  作者: Mango

C++中的strtoll() 函数将字符串的内容解释为指定基数的整数,并将其值返回为long long int。

此函数还将设置一个指针,以指向该字符串的最后一个有效字符之后的第一个字符 (如果存在),否则将其设置为null。

For base 10 and the string "201xz$"

Valid numeric part -> 201
First character after valid numeric part -> x

strtoll()原型[从C++ 11标准开始]

long long int strtoll(const char* str, char** end, int base);

strtoll() 函数将字符串,指向字符的指针和整数值-base作为其参数,将字符串的内容解释为给定base的整数,并返回long long int值。




strtoll() 函数返回:

示例1:strtoll() 函数如何工作?


using namespace std;

int main()
    int base = 10;
    char numberString[] = "13.5ab_1x";
    char *end; 
    long long int number;
    number = strtoll(numberString, &end, base);
    cout << "String value = " << numberString << endl;
    cout << "Long long int value = " << number << endl;
    cout << "End String = " << end << endl;
    strcpy(numberString, "13");
    cout << "String value = " << numberString << endl;
    number = strtoll(numberString, &end, base);
    cout << "Long long int value = " << number << endl;
    if (*end) {
        cout << end;
    } else {
        cout << "Null pointer";
    return 0;


String value = 13.5ab_1x
Long long int value = 13
End String = .5ab_1x
String value = 13
Long long int value = 13
Null pointer

strtoll() 函数的有效整数值包括:



示例2:具有不同基数的strtoll() 函数

using namespace std;

int main()
    char *end;
    cout << "23ajz" << " to Long Long Int with base-7 = " << strtoll("23ajz", &end, 7) << endl;
    cout << "End String = " << end << endl << endl;
    cout << "23ajz" << " to Long Long Int with base-20 = " << strtoll("23ajz", &end, 20) << endl;
    cout << "End String = " << end << endl << endl;
    cout << "23ajz" << " to Long Long Int with base-36 = " << strtoll("23ajz", &end, 36) << endl;
    cout << "End String = " << end << endl << endl;
    return 0;


23ajz to Long Long Int with base-7 = 17
End String = ajz

23ajz to Long Long Int with base-20 = 17419
End String = z

23ajz to Long Long Int with base-36 = 3512879
End String =

直到主非空白字符被找到与strtoll() 函数将忽略所有的前导空白字符 。

通常,strtoll() 函数的有效整数参数具有以下形式:

[whitespace] [- | +] [0 | 0x] [alphanumeric characters]

然后,从这个字符开始,它需要尽可能多的字符 ,以形成有效的整数表示形式并将其转换为long long int值。最后一个有效字符之后的字符串剩余部分将被忽略,并且对结果没有任何影响。

示例3:strtoll() 函数用于领先的空格和无效的转换

using namespace std;

int main()
    char *end;
    cout << "  25axbz" << " to Long Long Int with base-11 = " << strtoll("  25axbz", &end, 11) << endl;
    cout << "End String = " << end << endl << endl;
    cout << "   110bcd" << " to Long Long Int with base-2 = " << strtoll("   110bcd", &end, 2) << endl;
    cout << "End String = " << end << endl << endl;

    cout << "ax110.97" << " to Long Long Int with base-10 = " << strtoll("ax110.97", &end, 10) << endl;
    cout << "End String = " << end << endl << endl;

    return 0;


25axbz to Long Long Int with base-11 = 307
End String = xbz

   110bcd to Long Long Int with base-2 = 6
End String = bcd

ax110.97 to Long Long Int with base-10 = 0
End String = ax110.97


示例4:以0为底的strtoll() 函数

using namespace std;

int main()
    char *end;
    /* octal base */
    cout << "025x" << " to Long Long Int with base-0 = " << strtoll("025x", &end, 0) << endl;
    cout << "End String = " << end << endl << endl;
    /* hexadecimal base */
    cout << "0xf1x" << " to Long Long Int with base-0 = " << strtoll("0xf1x", &end, 0) << endl;
    cout << "End String = " << end << endl << endl;
    /* decimal base */
    cout << "15ab" << " to Long Long Int with base-0 = " << strtoll("15ab", &end, 0) << endl;
    cout << "End String = " << end << endl << endl;
    return 0;


025x to Long Long Int with base-0 = 21
End String = x

0xf1x to Long Long Int with base-0 = 241
End String = x

15ab to Long Long Int with base-0 = 15
End String = ab