📜  更新和升级之间的区别

📅  最后修改于: 2022-05-13 01:57:01.779000             🧑  作者: Mango



升级可以定义为转移到任何现有应用程序或软件的更新版本的过程。这个定义是在计算机科学领域的背景下。例如,每当市场上出现任何最新版本时,我们都会升级我们的 Windows,因为新版本肯定比旧版本包含更多功能。



1.The introduction of new and advanced functionalities or features to the software or applications is the objective of the upgrade.Providing enhancement of the existing functionalities or features like support to plug-ins or security updates is its objective.
2.It is an entirely new software based on the previous software.It remains the old software but some functions are changed for different purposes.
3.It is a complex task to achieve.It is a relatively simpler task.
4.Upgrading is a time-consuming process and requires lots of effort.Updating does not take much time as compared to upgrading.
5.Upgrading takes more space on the system.Less space is required for an update.
6.The version of the software or application changes on upgrading.The version of the software or application remains the same on updating.
7.Example upgrading Windows XP to Windows 7.Updating Windows 10 for new features or security patches.