📜  Java程序检查三个布尔变量中的两个是否为真

📅  最后修改于: 2020-09-26 17:56:40             🧑  作者: Mango


// Java Program to check if 2 variables
// among the 3 variables are true

import java.util.Scanner;

class Main {
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    // create 3 boolean variables
    boolean first;
    boolean second;
    boolean third;
    boolean result;

    // get boolean input from the user
    Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in);
    System.out.print("Enter first boolean value: ");
    first = input.nextBoolean();

    System.out.print("Enter second boolean value: ");
    second = input.nextBoolean();

    System.out.print("Enter third boolean value: ");
    third = input.nextBoolean();

    // check if two are true
    if(first) {

      // if first is true
      // and one of the second and third is true
      // result will be true
      result = second || third;
    else {

      // if first is false
      // both the second and third should be true
      // so result will be true
      result = second && third;

    if(result) {
      System.out.println("Two boolean variables are true.");
    else {
      System.out.println("Two boolean variables are not true.");




Enter first boolean value: true
Enter second boolean value: false
Enter third boolean value: true
Two boolean variables are true.


Enter first boolean value: false
Enter second boolean value: true
Enter third boolean value: false
Two boolean variables are not true.

在上面的示例中,我们有三个布尔变量,分别名为firstsecondthird 。在这里,我们检查了三个布尔变量中的两个是否为真。


if(first) {
  result = second || third;
else {
  result = second && third;


result = first ? second || third : second && third;