对于权重向量的特定选择和偏置参数 ,模型预测输出对于相应的输入向量 .
2位二进制变量的XNOR逻辑函数真值表,即输入向量和相应的输出 –
0 | 0 | 1 |
0 | 1 | 0 |
1 | 0 | 0 |
1 | 1 | 1 |
- Step1:现在为对应的权重向量输入向量的到 OR 和 AND 节点,相关的感知函数可以定义为:
- 第二步:输出来自 OR 节点的将被输入到具有权重的 NOT 节点并且相关的感知函数可以定义为:
- 第三步:输出从 AND 节点和输出 Step2中提到的来自NOT节点将被输入到具有权重的OR节点 .然后对应的输出是 XNOR 逻辑函数的最终输出。相关的感知函数可以定义为:
为了实现,权重参数被认为是和偏置参数是 .
# importing Python library
import numpy as np
# define Unit Step Function
def unitStep(v):
if v >= 0:
return 1
return 0
# design Perceptron Model
def perceptronModel(x, w, b):
v = np.dot(w, x) + b
y = unitStep(v)
return y
# NOT Logic Function
# wNOT = -1, bNOT = 0.5
def NOT_logicFunction(x):
wNOT = -1
bNOT = 0.5
return perceptronModel(x, wNOT, bNOT)
# AND Logic Function
# w1 = 1, w2 = 1, bAND = -1.5
def AND_logicFunction(x):
w = np.array([1, 1])
bAND = -1.5
return perceptronModel(x, w, bAND)
# OR Logic Function
# here w1 = wOR1 = 1,
# w2 = wOR2 = 1, bOR = -0.5
def OR_logicFunction(x):
w = np.array([1, 1])
bOR = -0.5
return perceptronModel(x, w, bOR)
# XNOR Logic Function
# with AND, OR and NOT
# function calls in sequence
def XNOR_logicFunction(x):
y1 = OR_logicFunction(x)
y2 = AND_logicFunction(x)
y3 = NOT_logicFunction(y1)
final_x = np.array([y2, y3])
finalOutput = OR_logicFunction(final_x)
return finalOutput
# testing the Perceptron Model
test1 = np.array([0, 1])
test2 = np.array([1, 1])
test3 = np.array([0, 0])
test4 = np.array([1, 0])
print("XNOR({}, {}) = {}".format(0, 1, XNOR_logicFunction(test1)))
print("XNOR({}, {}) = {}".format(1, 1, XNOR_logicFunction(test2)))
print("XNOR({}, {}) = {}".format(0, 0, XNOR_logicFunction(test3)))
print("XNOR({}, {}) = {}".format(1, 0, XNOR_logicFunction(test4)))
XNOR(0, 1) = 0
XNOR(1, 1) = 1
XNOR(0, 0) = 1
XNOR(1, 0) = 0
这里,模型预测输出( ) 每个测试输入都与 XNOR 逻辑门常规输出 ( ) 根据真值表。
因此,验证了 XNOR 逻辑门的感知器算法是正确实现的。