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📜  构建由区块链提供支持的待办事项列表 Web 应用程序

📅  最后修改于: 2022-05-13 01:54:55.231000             🧑  作者: Mango

构建由区块链提供支持的待办事项列表 Web 应用程序

在这里,我们将构建一个将数据保存在区块链中的待办事项列表应用程序。这个应用的区块链部分也可以理解为一个数据库。首先,我们将创建一个智能合约,然后创建 Web 应用程序本身。我们将使用 Bloc 作为应用程序名称,但首先让我们看一下组件。

Bloc 应用程序中的组件

  • Ganache - 本地以太坊区块链。
  • Web3 JS-使应用程序能够与区块链通信。
  • Bootstrap-用于应用程序的前端。
  • Solidity-用于编译智能合约。
  • JQuery -用于 DOM 操作。



为了编写和开发智能合约,我们将使用 REMIX IDE。

注意:确保您使用的是 Http 站点而不是 Https。 Http 站点将允许我们在本地区块链中部署我们的智能合约。

单击加号图标以创建 bloc.sol 文件。

创建 .sol 文件


智能合约的第一行必须声明solidity 版本来编译我们的智能合约,我们将编写以下内容-

pragma solidity ^0.5.1;

为了告诉编译器我们的智能合约,我们将定义一个合约块。像 OOP 中的类一样的合约,其中包含所有字段和方法:

pragma solidity ^0.5.1;
contract Bloc{


1. 为您的任务创建一个结构体:结构体允许创建用户定义的数据类型。它将有一个字符串作为任务和一个布尔值来判断任务是否完成。

pragma solidity ^0.5.1;
contract Bloc{
 struct Task{
    string task;
       bool isDone;

2. 创建一个映射来存储我们的任务数组和关联的用户地址:映射就像一个哈希表,在这里我们创建一个地址作为键,值将是一个任务结构数组。将此映射设置为访问修饰符的私有映射。地址是一种强调帐户地址的可靠数据类型。

pragma solidity ^0.5.1;
 contract Bloc{ 
   struct Task{
    string task;
       bool isDone;
   mapping (address => Task[]) private Users;


1. 创建任务:此方法将创建一个任务。

  • addTask 方法接受一个字符串作为参数。
  • calldata设置字符串参数的数据位置。
  • external使该方法在通过 web3js 调用时可用。
  • msg.sender为我们提供了调用该方法的用户的地址。
  • 将任务添加到映射的push 方法
pragma solidity ^0.5.1;
contract Bloc{ 
   struct Task{
    string task;
       bool isDone;
   mapping (address => Task[]) private Users;
  function addTask(string calldata _task) external{

2. 读取任务:此方法有助于读取任务中的值。

  • 要从 getTask 方法返回 Task结构,我们需要添加第 2 行。
  • getTask 方法接收任务索引并给出任务。
  • memory是要返回的 Task 的数据位置。
  • view告诉该函数不会修改区块链的状态。
pragma solidity ^0.5.1;
contract Bloc{ 
   struct Task{
    string task;
       bool isDone;
   mapping (address => Task[]) private Users;
  function addTask(string calldata _task) external{
   function getTask(uint _taskIndex) external view returns (Task memory){
       Task storage task = Users[msg.sender][_taskIndex];
       return task;

3. 更新任务:此方法将更新任务中的值。

  • 此方法将任务设置为选中或取消选中。
  • updateStatus方法将获取要更新的任务索引和状态。
  • 通过taskIndex ,我们将能够访问任务结构,因此我们将 isDone 设置为已通过的状态。
pragma solidity ^0.5.1;
contract Bloc{ 
   struct Task{
    string task;
       bool isDone;
   mapping (address => Task[]) private Users;
  function addTask(string calldata _task) external{
   function getTask(uint _taskIndex) external view returns (Task memory){
       Task storage task = Users[msg.sender][_taskIndex];
       return task;
  function updateStatus(uint256 _taskIndex,bool _status) external{
        Users[msg.sender][_taskIndex].isDone = _status;

4. 删除任务: deleteTask 方法将获取任务索引,然后从数组中删除元素,就像在 C 中一样。

pragma solidity ^0.5.1;
contract Bloc{ 
   struct Task{
    string task;
       bool isDone;
   mapping (address => Task[]) private Users;
  function addTask(string calldata _task) external{
   function getTask(uint _taskIndex) external view returns (Task memory){
       Task storage task = Users[msg.sender][_taskIndex];
       return task;
  function updateStatus(uint256 _taskIndex,bool _status) external{
        Users[msg.sender][_taskIndex].isDone = _status;
    function deleteTask(uint256 _taskIndex) external{
       delete Users[msg.sender][_taskIndex];

5. 获取任务数:可以获取任务数作为任务数组长度。


pragma solidity ^0.5.1;
// Creating a contract
contract Bloc{
// Defining a structure to
// store a task
struct Task
  string task;
  bool isDone;
mapping (address => Task[]) private Users;
// Defining function to add  a task
function addTask(string calldata _task) external
// Defining a function to get details of a task 
function getTask(uint _taskIndex) external view returns (Task memory)
  Task storage task = Users[msg.sender][_taskIndex];
  return task;
// Defining a function to update status of a task
function updateStatus(uint256 _taskIndex,bool _status) external
  Users[msg.sender][_taskIndex].isDone = _status;
// Defining a function to delete a task
function deleteTask(uint256 _taskIndex) external
  delete Users[msg.sender][_taskIndex];
// Defining a function to get task count.
function getTaskCount() external view returns (uint256)
  return Users[msg.sender].length;








0 Task


// Connect to Ganache Make sure you enter the address you noted earlier here //
web3 = new Web3(new Web3.providers.HttpProvider('http://localhost:7545'));
// getAccount() will get the first account from  ganache and will set it as defaultAccount for our contract operations ////
async function getAccount() {
    let accounts = await web3.eth.getAccounts();
    web3.eth.defaultAccount = accounts[0];
    console.log(web3.eth.defaultAccount + ' account detected');
    return web3.eth.defaultAccount;

// Auto focus on input of add task modal //
$('#add-task-container').on('shown.bs.modal', function () {
 * createTaskList() set the contract object and gets the number
 * of tasks of the user and then calls addTaskToList() to add
 * them to HTML one after the other after all task are added to
 * HTML then calls updateTaskCount()
 * @author Gupta Shrinath 
async function createTaskList() {
    // Get account from the Ganache EVM //
    try {
        await getAccount();
        // Set contract and set gas //
        contract = new web3.eth.Contract(contractABI, contractAddress);
        try {
            numberOfTask = await contract.methods.getTaskCount().call({ from: web3.eth.defaultAccount });
            /*  The actual number of task may differ because
                when an task is removed the task element is
                removed and the index value now has nothing.
            console.log('Number of Tasks are ' + numberOfTask);
            // If there are task present //
            if (numberOfTask != 0) {
                // Fetch one task after the other until no task remain //
                console.log('Start fetching task ...');
                let taskIterator = 0;
                while (taskIterator < numberOfTask) {
                    try {
                        let task = await contract.methods.getTask(taskIterator).call({ from: web3.eth.defaultAccount });
                        if (task[0] != '') {
                            // addTaskToList add this task as children to the ul tag //
                            addTaskToList(taskIterator, task[0], task[1]);
                        else {
                            console.log('The index ' + taskIterator + ' is empty');
                    } catch {
                        console.log('Failed to get Task ' + taskIterator);
                // Update the task count in HTML //
        } catch {
            console.log('Failed to get task count from blockchain');
    } catch {
        console.log('Failed to get the acount');
 * addTaskToList() takes the task attributes and adds them to
 * the HTML
 * @author Gupta Shrinath 
 * @param {number} id
 * @param {string} name
 * @param {boolean} status
function addTaskToList(id, name, status) {
    console.log('addTaskToList(): Add Task ' + (id) + ' ' + [name, status]);
    /*  Get the id of ul element so to be able to
        add children to it
    let list = document.getElementById('list');
    /*  Create a li element and add the class
        required to make look good  and
        set the id of it
    let item = document.createElement('li');
    item.classList.add('list-group-item', 'border-0', 'd-flex', 'justify-content-between', 'align-items-center');
    item.id = 'item-' + id;
    // Create a text to add it to the li element//
    let task = document.createTextNode(name);
    /*  Create a checkbox and set its id and checked
        value to add it to the li element
    var checkbox = document.createElement("INPUT");
    checkbox.setAttribute("type", "checkbox");
    checkbox.setAttribute("id", "item-" + id + "-checkbox");
    checkbox.checked = status;
    /*  if status is true then add task-done class to li
        element so that the text gets a linethrough
    if (status) {
    // Add the li element to ul element //
    /* Set a ondblclick event to able to remove the
       item when double clicked on it */
    item.ondblclick = function () {
    // Append the text of task //
    // Append the checkbox for task //
    // Add onclick to the checkbox //
    checkbox.onclick = function () { changeTaskStatus(checkbox.id, id); };
 * removeTask() remove the task from blockchain and then from
 * the HTML using JQuery
 * Note: The taskIndex is the li element id {item-taskIndex}
 * @author Gupta Shrinath 
 * @param {string} taskIndex
async function removeTask(taskIndex) {
    console.log("removeTask(): Remove Task " + taskIndex);
    // Create the selector for the Task //
    let taskSelector = '#' + taskIndex;
    // Make taskIndex to have only task index number
    taskIndex = taskIndex.replace('item-', '');
    try {
        await contract.methods.deleteTask(taskIndex).send({ from: web3.eth.defaultAccount });
        console.log('Remove Task ' + taskIndex + ' from the blockchain');
        // Remove the task from the HTML //
        // Update the task count in HTML//
    } catch {
        console.log('Issue occured while removing task item-' + taskIndex);
 * changeTaskStatus() change the status of task in blockchain and
 * then in the HTML
 * Note: The id is the checkbox id {item-taskIndex-checkbox}
 * @author Gupta Shrinath 
 * @param {string} id
 * @param {number} taskIndex
async function changeTaskStatus(id, taskIndex) {
    // Get checkbox element //
    let checkbox = document.getElementById(id);
    // Get the id of the li element //
    let textId = id.replace('-checkbox', '');
    // Get the li element //
    let text = document.getElementById(textId);
    try {
        await contract.methods.updateStatus(taskIndex, checkbox.checked).send({ from: web3.eth.defaultAccount });
        console.log('changeTaskStatus(): Change status of task ' + textId + ' to ' + checkbox.checked);
        if (checkbox.checked) {
        } else {
    } catch (error) {
        console.log('Failed to change Status of task ' + textId + ' in blockchain');
 * updateTaskCount() update the number of task in HTML by counting
 * the number of item in the ul element
 * @author Gupta Shrinath 
function updateTasksCount() {
    // Get the element of ul tag //
    let list = document.getElementById('list');
    // Get the count of the ul element //
    let taskCount = list.childElementCount;
    console.log('updateTaskCount(): The number of task are ' + taskCount);
    // Set the count to the taskCount id element //
    let count = document.getElementById('taskCount');
    count.innerText = taskCount + " Task";
 * addTask() add the task to the HTML via adddTasktoList() and then
 * add it to blockchain and update the count via updateTaskCount()
 * @author Gupta Shrinath 
 * @param {string} name
async function addTask(name) {
    // Get the form element containing the new task //
    let form = document.getElementById('add-task-form');
    // Check if the input is valid and then add it//
    if (form.checkValidity()) {
        console.log('Get the number of task from blockchain');
        // Set blank value for text in the addtask modal //
        document.getElementById('new-task').value = '';
        // Remove the mentioned class because it might be
        // present if a task was added before
        // Get the number of task from blockchain //
        contract.methods.getTaskCount().call({ from: web3.eth.defaultAccount }).then(numberOfTask => {
            // Add the task to the HTML //
            addTaskToList(numberOfTask, name, false);
            // Update the task count in HTML//
        }, err => {
            console.log('Failed to get the number of task in blockchain ' + err);
        try {
            await contract.methods.addTask(name).send({ from: web3.eth.defaultAccount });
            console.log('Add task ' + name + ' to blockchain');
        } catch {
            console.log('Failed to add task to EVM');
    } else {
        form.addEventListener('submit', function (event) {
            // Stop all events //
            // Add the mentioned class to able to display
            // error to user
            // Set blank value for text in the addtask modal //
            document.getElementById('new-task').value = '';
        }, false);

单击 Solidity 左侧导航栏选项下的编译按钮


编译 bloc.sol

单击部署中的Deploy and Run Transaction ,在已部署的合约中,您可以找到所有方法。


有了这个,我们就完成了创建一个基本的智能合约。我们将在下一篇文章中使用此智能合约与 Web 应用程序进行通信。现在,我们将创建一个 Web 应用程序,该应用程序可以与我们在上面创建的智能合约进行通信。

在我们开始构建 Web 应用程序之前,我们需要以太坊区块链,它将拥有我们的应用程序的智能合约和数据。我们将使用 Ganache 继续下载并安装它。

安装后,打开 Ganache 并单击快速启动 Ethereum,然后记下 RPC Server 下标记的地址(应该类似于。

现在构建 Web 应用程序








0 Task


该网页将如下所示 -




// Connect to Ganache Make sure you enter the address you noted earlier here //
web3 = new Web3(new Web3.providers.HttpProvider('http://localhost:7545'));
// getAccount() will get the first account from  ganache and will set it as defaultAccount for our contract operations ////
async function getAccount() {
    let accounts = await web3.eth.getAccounts();
    web3.eth.defaultAccount = accounts[0];
    console.log(web3.eth.defaultAccount + ' account detected');
    return web3.eth.defaultAccount;


  • 转到 Remix IDE 并确保您拥有上一教程中的 bloc.sol(确保确保 HTTP 站点,而不是 https)。
  • 转到位于左侧面板中的 Solidity 编译器,然后单击 compile bloc.sol。在 ABI 单击它时,您会发现一个带有复制图标和文本的按钮。将其粘贴到 js/config.js 第 1 行。
let contractABI = COPIED TEXT;
The copied text will be enclosed in [].
  • 在环境选择 Web3 Provider 下部署和运行事务。
  • 输入您从 Ganache 复制的地址并粘贴,点击 OK。
  • 现在可以看到一个部署按钮,点击它。
  • 在下面你会发现 Deployed Contracts 标签,现在会有一个复制图标按钮点击它。
  • 并粘贴到 js/config.js 第 2 行。
let contractAddress = 'COPIED text';
The copied text might look like this 0xF3017acEDd45526aC6153FBBCfcA8096173D245a.
The contractABI helps the web3js with our smart contract
The contractAddress tells the web3js about where on blockchain is our smart contract



// Auto focus on input of add task modal //
$('#add-task-container').on('shown.bs.modal', function () {
 * createTaskList() set the contract object and gets the number
 * of tasks of the user and then calls addTaskToList() to add
 * them to HTML one after the other after all task are added to
 * HTML then calls updateTaskCount()
 * @author Gupta Shrinath 
async function createTaskList() {
    // Get account from the Ganache EVM //
    try {
        await getAccount();
        // Set contract and set gas //
        contract = new web3.eth.Contract(contractABI, contractAddress);
        try {
            numberOfTask = await contract.methods.getTaskCount().call({ from: web3.eth.defaultAccount });
            /*  The actual number of task may differ because
                when an task is removed the task element is
                removed and the index value now has nothing.
            console.log('Number of Tasks are ' + numberOfTask);
            // If there are task present //
            if (numberOfTask != 0) {
                // Fetch one task after the other until no task remain //
                console.log('Start fetching task ...');
                let taskIterator = 0;
                while (taskIterator < numberOfTask) {
                    try {
                        let task = await contract.methods.getTask(taskIterator).call({ from: web3.eth.defaultAccount });
                        if (task[0] != '') {
                            // addTaskToList add this task as children to the ul tag //
                            addTaskToList(taskIterator, task[0], task[1]);
                        else {
                            console.log('The index ' + taskIterator + ' is empty');
                    } catch {
                        console.log('Failed to get Task ' + taskIterator);
                // Update the task count in HTML //
        } catch {
            console.log('Failed to get task count from blockchain');
    } catch {
        console.log('Failed to get the acount');
 * addTaskToList() takes the task attributes and adds them to
 * the HTML
 * @author Gupta Shrinath 
 * @param {number} id
 * @param {string} name
 * @param {boolean} status
function addTaskToList(id, name, status) {
    console.log('addTaskToList(): Add Task ' + (id) + ' ' + [name, status]);
    /*  Get the id of ul element so to be able to
        add children to it
    let list = document.getElementById('list');
    /*  Create a li element and add the class
        required to make look good  and
        set the id of it
    let item = document.createElement('li');
    item.classList.add('list-group-item', 'border-0', 'd-flex', 'justify-content-between', 'align-items-center');
    item.id = 'item-' + id;
    // Create a text to add it to the li element//
    let task = document.createTextNode(name);
    /*  Create a checkbox and set its id and checked
        value to add it to the li element
    var checkbox = document.createElement("INPUT");
    checkbox.setAttribute("type", "checkbox");
    checkbox.setAttribute("id", "item-" + id + "-checkbox");
    checkbox.checked = status;
    /*  if status is true then add task-done class to li
        element so that the text gets a linethrough
    if (status) {
    // Add the li element to ul element //
    /* Set a ondblclick event to able to remove the
       item when double clicked on it */
    item.ondblclick = function () {
    // Append the text of task //
    // Append the checkbox for task //
    // Add onclick to the checkbox //
    checkbox.onclick = function () { changeTaskStatus(checkbox.id, id); };
 * removeTask() remove the task from blockchain and then from
 * the HTML using JQuery
 * Note: The taskIndex is the li element id {item-taskIndex}
 * @author Gupta Shrinath 
 * @param {string} taskIndex
async function removeTask(taskIndex) {
    console.log("removeTask(): Remove Task " + taskIndex);
    // Create the selector for the Task //
    let taskSelector = '#' + taskIndex;
    // Make taskIndex to have only task index number
    taskIndex = taskIndex.replace('item-', '');
    try {
        await contract.methods.deleteTask(taskIndex).send({ from: web3.eth.defaultAccount });
        console.log('Remove Task ' + taskIndex + ' from the blockchain');
        // Remove the task from the HTML //
        // Update the task count in HTML//
    } catch {
        console.log('Issue occured while removing task item-' + taskIndex);
 * changeTaskStatus() change the status of task in blockchain and
 * then in the HTML
 * Note: The id is the checkbox id {item-taskIndex-checkbox}
 * @author Gupta Shrinath 
 * @param {string} id
 * @param {number} taskIndex
async function changeTaskStatus(id, taskIndex) {
    // Get checkbox element //
    let checkbox = document.getElementById(id);
    // Get the id of the li element //
    let textId = id.replace('-checkbox', '');
    // Get the li element //
    let text = document.getElementById(textId);
    try {
        await contract.methods.updateStatus(taskIndex, checkbox.checked).send({ from: web3.eth.defaultAccount });
        console.log('changeTaskStatus(): Change status of task ' + textId + ' to ' + checkbox.checked);
        if (checkbox.checked) {
        } else {
    } catch (error) {
        console.log('Failed to change Status of task ' + textId + ' in blockchain');
 * updateTaskCount() update the number of task in HTML by counting
 * the number of item in the ul element
 * @author Gupta Shrinath 
function updateTasksCount() {
    // Get the element of ul tag //
    let list = document.getElementById('list');
    // Get the count of the ul element //
    let taskCount = list.childElementCount;
    console.log('updateTaskCount(): The number of task are ' + taskCount);
    // Set the count to the taskCount id element //
    let count = document.getElementById('taskCount');
    count.innerText = taskCount + " Task";
 * addTask() add the task to the HTML via adddTasktoList() and then
 * add it to blockchain and update the count via updateTaskCount()
 * @author Gupta Shrinath 
 * @param {string} name
async function addTask(name) {
    // Get the form element containing the new task //
    let form = document.getElementById('add-task-form');
    // Check if the input is valid and then add it//
    if (form.checkValidity()) {
        console.log('Get the number of task from blockchain');
        // Set blank value for text in the addtask modal //
        document.getElementById('new-task').value = '';
        // Remove the mentioned class because it might be
        // present if a task was added before
        // Get the number of task from blockchain //
        contract.methods.getTaskCount().call({ from: web3.eth.defaultAccount }).then(numberOfTask => {
            // Add the task to the HTML //
            addTaskToList(numberOfTask, name, false);
            // Update the task count in HTML//
        }, err => {
            console.log('Failed to get the number of task in blockchain ' + err);
        try {
            await contract.methods.addTask(name).send({ from: web3.eth.defaultAccount });
            console.log('Add task ' + name + ' to blockchain');
        } catch {
            console.log('Failed to add task to EVM');
    } else {
        form.addEventListener('submit', function (event) {
            // Stop all events //
            // Add the mentioned class to able to display
            // error to user
            // Set blank value for text in the addtask modal //
            document.getElementById('new-task').value = '';
        }, false);
