Python – 按分隔符分隔元素
Input : test_list = [“7$2”, “8$5”, “9$1”], delim = “$”
Output : [‘7’, ‘8’, ‘9’], [‘2’, ‘5’, ‘1’]
Explanation : Different lists for prefix and suffix of “$”
Input : test_list = [“7*2”, “8*5”, “9*1”], delim = “*”
Output : [‘7’, ‘8’, ‘9’], [‘2’, ‘5’, ‘1’]
Explanation : Different lists for prefix and suffix of “*”
方法 #1:使用列表理解 + split()
这是可以执行此任务的方式之一。在此,我们使用 split() 执行隔离,split 的第一部分被编译为一个列表解析,然后紧挨着另一个。
# Python3 code to demonstrate working of
# Segregate elements by delimiter
# Using list comprehension + split()
# initializing list
test_list = ["7$2", "8$5", "9$1", "8$10", "32$6"]
# printing original list
print("The original list : " + str(test_list))
# using delim
delim = "$"
# using split() to split and different list comprehension
# assigns results to different lists
res1, res2 = [ele.split(delim)[0] for ele in test_list], [ele.split(delim)[1] for ele in test_list]
# printing result
print("The filtered list 1 : " + str(res1))
print("The filtered list 2 : " + str(res2))
# Python3 code to demonstrate working of
# Segregate elements by delimiter
# Using map() + list + zip() + generator expression
# initializing list
test_list = ["7$2", "8$5", "9$1", "8$10", "32$6"]
# printing original list
print("The original list : " + str(test_list))
# using delim
delim = "$"
# map() used to cast different sections to different lists
res1, res2 = map(list, zip(*(ele.split(delim) for ele in test_list)))
# printing result
print("The filtered list 1 : " + str(res1))
print("The filtered list 2 : " + str(res2))
The original list : ['7$2', '8$5', '9$1', '8$10', '32$6']
The filtered list 1 : ['7', '8', '9', '8', '32']
The filtered list 2 : ['2', '5', '1', '10', '6']
方法 #2:使用 map() + list + zip() + 生成器表达式
上述功能的组合可以用来解决这个问题。在此,我们使用 map() 扩展列表构造逻辑,并使用 zip() 对每个元素执行 split() 功能。
# Python3 code to demonstrate working of
# Segregate elements by delimiter
# Using map() + list + zip() + generator expression
# initializing list
test_list = ["7$2", "8$5", "9$1", "8$10", "32$6"]
# printing original list
print("The original list : " + str(test_list))
# using delim
delim = "$"
# map() used to cast different sections to different lists
res1, res2 = map(list, zip(*(ele.split(delim) for ele in test_list)))
# printing result
print("The filtered list 1 : " + str(res1))
print("The filtered list 2 : " + str(res2))
The original list : ['7$2', '8$5', '9$1', '8$10', '32$6']
The filtered list 1 : ['7', '8', '9', '8', '32']
The filtered list 2 : ['2', '5', '1', '10', '6']