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📜  一键查找二进制表示形式的最长1序列

📅  最后修改于: 2021-04-24 20:38:04             🧑  作者: Mango

给出一个整数n。我们可以恰好翻转一位。编写代码以查找可以创建的最长1 s序列的长度。


Input : 1775         
Output : 8 
Binary representation of 1775 is 11011101111.
After flipping the highlighted bit, we get 
consecutive 8 bits. 11011111111.

Input : 12         
Output : 3 

Input : 15
Output : 5

Input : 71
Output: 4

Binary representation of 71 is 1000111.
After flipping the highlighted bit, we get 
consecutive 4 bits. 1001111.



  1. 如果下一位为1,则先前的长度应设置为当前长度。
  2. 如果下一位为0,则无法将这些序列合并在一起。因此,将上一个“长度”设置为0。


  1. 最大长度的当前值
  2. 当前长度+上一个长度。
  • 结果=返回最大长度+1 (//翻转位计数加1)


    // C++ program to find maximum consecutive
    // 1's in binary representation of a number
    // after flipping one bit.
    using namespace std;
    int flipBit(unsigned a)
        /* If all bits are l, binary representation
           of 'a' has all 1s */
        if (~a == 0)
            return 8*sizeof(int);
        int currLen = 0, prevLen = 0, maxLen = 0;
        while (a!= 0)
            // If Current bit is a 1 then increment currLen++
            if ((a & 1) == 1)
            // If Current bit is a 0 then check next bit of a
            else if ((a & 1) == 0)
                /* Update prevLen to 0 (if next bit is 0)
                or currLen (if next bit is 1). */
                prevLen = (a & 2) == 0? 0 : currLen;
                // If two consecutively bits are 0
                // then currLen also will be 0.
                currLen = 0;
            // Update maxLen if required
            maxLen = max(prevLen + currLen, maxLen);
            // Remove last bit (Right shift)
            a >>= 1;
        // We can always have a sequence of
        // at least one 1, this is fliped bit
        return maxLen+1;
    // Driver code
    int main()
        // input 1
        cout << flipBit(13);
        cout << endl;
        // input 2
        cout << flipBit(1775);
        cout << endl;
        // input 3
        cout << flipBit(15);
        return 0;

    // Java program to find maximum consecutive
    // 1's in binary representation of a number
    // after flipping one bit.
    class GFG 
        static int flipBit(int a)
            /* If all bits are l, binary representation
            of 'a' has all 1s */
            if (~a == 0) 
                return 8 * sizeof();
            int currLen = 0, prevLen = 0, maxLen = 0;
            while (a != 0) 
                // If Current bit is a 1 
                // then increment currLen++
                if ((a & 1) == 1) 
                // If Current bit is a 0 then 
                // check next bit of a
                else if ((a & 1) == 0) 
                    /* Update prevLen to 0 (if next bit is 0)
                    or currLen (if next bit is 1). */
                    prevLen = (a & 2) == 0 ? 0 : currLen;
                    // If two consecutively bits are 0
                    // then currLen also will be 0.
                    currLen = 0;
                // Update maxLen if required
                maxLen = Math.max(prevLen + currLen, maxLen);
                // Remove last bit (Right shift)
                a >>= 1;
            // We can always have a sequence of
            // at least one 1, this is fliped bit
            return maxLen + 1;
        static byte sizeof() 
            byte sizeOfInteger = 8;
            return sizeOfInteger;
        // Driver code
        public static void main(String[] args)
            // input 1
            // input 2
            // input 3
    // This code is contributed by PrinciRaj1992

    # Python3 program to find maximum 
    # consecutive 1's in binary
    # representation of a number
    # after flipping one bit.
    def flipBit(a):
        # If all bits are l,
        # binary representation
        # of 'a' has all 1s 
        if (~a == 0):
            return 8 * sizeof();
        currLen = 0;
        prevLen = 0; 
        maxLen = 0;
        while (a > 0):
            # If Current bit is a 1 
            # then increment currLen++
            if ((a & 1) == 1):
                currLen += 1;
            # If Current bit is a 0 
            # then check next bit of a
            elif ((a & 1) == 0):
                # Update prevLen to 0 
                # (if next bit is 0)
                # or currLen (if next 
                # bit is 1). */
                prevLen = 0 if((a & 2) == 0) else currLen;
                # If two consecutively bits 
                # are 0 then currLen also 
                # will be 0.
                currLen = 0;
            # Update maxLen if required
            maxLen = max(prevLen + currLen, maxLen);
            # Remove last bit (Right shift)
            a >>= 1;
        # We can always have a sequence 
        # of at least one 1, this is 
        # fliped bit
        return maxLen + 1;
    # Driver code
    # input 1
    # input 2
    # input 3
    # This code is contributed by mits

    // C# program to find maximum consecutive
    // 1's in binary representation of a number
    // after flipping one bit.
    using System;
    class GFG 
        static int flipBit(int a)
            /* If all bits are l, binary representation
            of 'a' has all 1s */
            if (~a == 0) 
                return 8 * sizeof(int);
            int currLen = 0, prevLen = 0, maxLen = 0;
            while (a != 0) 
                // If Current bit is a 1 
                // then increment currLen++
                if ((a & 1) == 1) 
                // If Current bit is a 0 then 
                // check next bit of a
                else if ((a & 1) == 0) 
                    /* Update prevLen to 0 (if next bit is 0)
                    or currLen (if next bit is 1). */
                    prevLen = (a & 2) == 0 ? 0 : currLen;
                    // If two consecutively bits are 0
                    // then currLen also will be 0.
                    currLen = 0;
                // Update maxLen if required
                maxLen = Math.Max(prevLen + currLen, maxLen);
                // Remove last bit (Right shift)
                a >>= 1;
            // We can always have a sequence of
            // at least one 1, this is fliped bit
            return maxLen + 1;
        // Driver code
        public static void Main(String[] args)
            // input 1
            // input 2
            // input 3
    // This code contributed by Rajput-Ji

    >= 1;
        // We can always have a sequence of
        // at least one 1, this is fliped bit
        return $maxLen+1;
        // Driver code
        // input 1
        echo flipBit(13);
        echo "\n";
        // input 2
        echo flipBit(1775);
        echo "\n";
        // input 3
        echo flipBit(15);
    // This code is contributed by aj_36

    输出 :
