大多数情况下, Python语句是以这样一种格式编写的,即一条语句只写在一行中。解释器将“字符”视为一条指令的终止符。但是,您也可以在下面找到每行编写多个语句。
# Example 1
print('Welcome to Geeks for Geeks')
Welcome to Geeks for Geeks
# Example 2
x = [1, 2, 3, 4]
# x[1:3] means that start from the index
# 1 and go upto the index 2
""" In the above mentioned format, the first
index is included, but the last index is not
[2, 3]
每行多个语句 我们也可以每行编写多个语句,但这不是一个好习惯,因为它会降低代码的可读性。尽量避免在一行中编写多个语句。但是,您仍然可以通过在“;”的帮助下终止一个语句来编写多行。 ';'在这种情况下,它被用作一个语句的终止符。
# Example
a = 10; b = 20; c = b + a
print(a); print(b); print(c)
有些语句可能会变得很长,并且可能会迫使您频繁地左右滚动屏幕。您可以以无需在这里和那里滚动的方式调整您的代码。 Python允许您在多行中编写单个语句,也称为行继续。续行也增强了可读性。
# Bad Practice as width of this code is too much.
x = 10
y = 20
z = 30
no_of_teachers = x
no_of_male_students = y
no_of_female_students = z
if (no_of_teachers == 10 and no_of_female_students == 30 and no_of_male_students == 20 and (x + y) == 30):
print('The course is valid')
# This could be done instead:
if (no_of_teachers == 10 and no_of_female_students == 30
and no_of_male_students == 20 and x + y == 30):
print('The course is valid')
- 隐式续行
任何包含左括号 ('(')、方括号 ('[') 或大括号 ('{') 的语句都被认为是不完整的,直到遇到所有匹配的括号、方括号和大括号。在此之前,语句可以隐式地跨行继续而不会引发错误。
例子:# Example 1 # The following code is valid a = [ [1, 2, 3], [3, 4, 5], [5, 6, 7] ] print(a)
输出:[[1, 2, 3], [3, 4, 5], [5, 6, 7]]
# Example 2 # The following code is also valid person_1 = 18 person_2 = 20 person_3 = 12 if ( person_1 >= 18 and person_2 >= 18 and person_3 < 18 ): print('2 Persons should have ID Cards')
输出:2 Persons should have ID Cards
- 显式续行
反斜杠 (\) 用于指示语句跨越多行。需要注意的是,“必须是该行中的最后一个字符,即使是空格也是不允许的。
请参阅以下示例以进行说明# Example x = \ 1 + 2 \ + 5 + 6 \ + 10 print(x)
用于编写注释的符号包括井号 (#) 或三重双引号 (“””)。哈希用于编写不跨越多行的单行注释。三重引号用于编写多行注释。三个三引号开始注释,三个引号结束注释。
考虑以下示例:# Example 1 ####### This example will print Hello World ####### print('Hello World') # This is a comment
# Example 2 """ This example will demonstrate multiple comments """ """ The following a variable contains the string 'How old are you?' """ a = 'How old are you?' """ The following statement prints what's inside the variable a """ print(a)
注意 请注意,字符串中的哈希 (#) 不会使其成为注释。考虑以下示例进行演示。
# Example """ The following statement prints the string stored in the variable """ a = 'This is # not a comment #' print(a) # Prints the string stored in a
最常见的空白字符如下:Character ASCII Code Literal Expression Space 32 (0x20) ‘ ‘ tab 9 (0x9) ‘\t’ newline 10 (0xA) ‘\n’ * 您可以随时点击此处参考 ASCII 表。 Python解释器通常会忽略空格,并且大多数情况下不需要空格。当一个记号结束和下一个记号开始的地方很清楚时,可以省略空格。当涉及特殊的非字母数字字符时,通常会出现这种情况。
例子:# Example 1 # This is correct but whitespace can improve readability a = 1-2 # Better way is a = 1 - 2 print(a)
# Example 2 # This is correct # Whitespace here can improve readability. x = 10 flag =(x == 10)and(x<12) print(flag) """ Readable form could be as follows x = 10 flag = (x == 10) and (x < 12) print(flag) """ # Try the more readable code yourself
# Example x = [1, 2, 3] y = 2 """ Following is incorrect, and will generate syntax error a = yin x """ # Corrected version is written as a = y in x print(a)
Python 的语法很简单,但在编写代码时仍然需要小心。缩进用于编写Python代码。
语句前的空格具有重要作用,用于缩进。语句前的空格可以有不同的含义。让我们尝试一个例子。# Example print('foo') # Correct print('foo') # This will generate an error # The error would be somewhat 'unexpected indent'
例子:# Example x = 10 while(x != 0): if(x > 5): # Line 1 print('x > 5') # Line 2 else: # Line 3 print('x < 5') # Line 4 x -= 2 # Line 5 """ Lines 1, 3, 5 are on same level Line 2 will only be executed if if condition becomes true. Line 4 will only be executed if if condition becomes false. """
输出:x > 5 x > 5 x > 5 x < 5 x < 5